
9/49/4Personal Notice and Search Page
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November 2002
From: John Dilorenzo
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2002 
Subject: searching for Sgt. Flores 

    Sgt. Flores was the Intelligence Sgt. of the 3rd Bn. 376 Inf. He was badly wounded on the left forearm following a night river crossing while the Regt. was attached to the 10the Arm'd div. with the mission to
establish and secure a bridgehead so that the armor could cross.We were with Lt. Col. Thurston the Bn. Comdr. I had to patch up Sgt. Flores arm as best I could and was successful in stopping the bleeding. After instructing him as to the best route to the rear, I did receive word that he got back ok. I've never heard from Sgt. Flores since and I would be greatly thankful if anyone has any information on him.  Please click here to email me 
Col.(ret) Anthony Dilorenzo   3rd Bn. 376th,
94th Div

From: "Paul V. Malley"  click here to email me 
Subject: It was a long time ago..... 
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 

I joined the U.S. Army Reserve in 1951, 94th Div, 302nd Inf Reg and served six years with two of them being active duty.  I gotta tell ya that the basic training I received in the the Reserve portion of my service was FAR superior to what I got on active duty.

Wish I could do it all over again......you just can't take the Army out of some of the "Boys".

My daughter has been in the Army for twenty years and is a Light Kernal.  Only her Daddy can say THAT!

As you were,

Paul Malley
E4   Ret (?)

From: "Rick Dillman"  click here to email me 
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2002
Subject:  Sergeant Richard Henry Dillman, 919th Field Artillery

My father, Richard Henry "Dick" Dillman of Bangor Michigan, served in the 94th Infantry Division during the Second World War.  He was a Sergeant in the 919th Field Artillery and he died on September 9, 1978.  Like so many of his generation, he was reluctant to discuss what happened during is time in the military.  I can rememebr several times some of his buddies would visit him and they would talk quietly into the wee hours of the night about those days and of comrades who did not make it back home.  I used to sneak down and listen but was too young to understand what they talked about.   I do know that the war years forever changed part of what my Dad was, there was always something inside of him that I did not understand. 

If there any of you out there who remember my Dad I would greatly appreciate hearing from you.  I will always be curious about those years of his life that he shared with his Army buddies.  He never forgot you.

He knew I served in the Army and would have been equally proud of his two grandsons who served with honor in the United States Marine Corps.

God bless all of you for your sacrifices.  We will never forget you.

click here to email me
Rick Dillman

From: Mike Fox 
Subject: Ed Mertzlufft
Date: Sat, 16 Nov 2002 

Looking for any information on Ed Mertzlufft, who was my mother's (Marie Reed) cousin.  All I know is he was with the 302nd Infantry (don't know what company) and was killed on Jan 20, 1945.  He is buried at Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery
in St. Louis.  Please  click here to email me 
thanks-Mike Fox

From: "Jeff Dixon"  click here to email me 
Subject: Wilber Calvin "Stub" Dixon 
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 

My father served in Company I, 301st Infantry Regiement, 94th Division.  He passed away in 1995 at the age of 77.  Like most veterans of this greatest generation, he was reluctant to discuss his war experiences.  Battles and Campaigns:  GO 33 & 40 WD 45???; Northern France; Rhineland, Central Europe & Ardennes. S Sgt INF AUS; Expert Light Machine Gunner 604.  Arrived Europe 11 Aug 44; Departed 10 Dec 45.  Special note:  Service coat also has patch of 90th Infantry Division "Tough Ombres" on left shoulder.  I haven't been able to make the connection to the 94th.  Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

I have a question, perhaps you can help.  I've researched this site extensively, but can't make a connection to answer a question that's really bugging me.

My Dad was left me his field coat which has a 90th Infantry, "Tough Ombries" patch on the left shoulder and a 9/4 patch on his right.  I can't make the connection.  His records indicate he was in the 9/4th, CO I, 301st InfReg.  Do you have any idea why he'd be wearing the 90th patch? 

click here to email me 


Jeff Dixon

From: "Hubbs, Kendall CPT (1AD 141 SIG BN CHAPLAIN)" 
Subject: PVT Strasburg 
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 

Hello, I'm trying to find information in reference to a veteran of the 94th.
Do you have anything on a PVT Dudley Strasburg, 271st Regiment, 94th Infantry, 3d Army, I Company?  I'm told he was a radio operator and one of 12 survivors of the battles related to the crossing of the Soar River on 22 February 1945.

God Bless,
Chaplain (CPT) KEN HUBBS
141st Signal Battalion
America's Tank Division
DSN: 337-4239
CIV: 0611-705-4239
 click here to email me 

From: "Brenda Garde"  click here to email me 
Subject: Woodrow E Garde 
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 

My Dad's DD214 has been lost, but I know he served in the 94th in WWII. I do not know any more than that and would like to know more. Any help you might be able to give me would be greatly appreciated.

Brenda Garde

Subject: From a Son of a 94th member 
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002
From: "Ron Sindric" click here to email me 

I am Ron Sindric, son of Simon Sindric who is a member of the 94th.  My dad is still alive and growing older in Milwaukee. 

I am a college chemistry teacher and today, Veterans Day I will be asking my students to remember vets today. 

Later today, I’ll be calling home to see how dad is doing.

An Appreciative American,

Ron Sindric

Subject: 376TH COMPANY E 
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002

My Grandfather Ralph Ruscello
Was In The 94th 376th Company E. He Is Alive And Well. I Came Across A Picture With Last Names On The Back.  They Were Craig, Fuler, Roberts Laudry, Lesser, Chamber, Alaron?, Roffle, Haskins, Richards, Cooper And Wong. Wong Was Also In Another Picture W My Grandfather. 
Any Info Please  click here to email me 

From: "Michael Tepsick"  click here to email me 
Subject: 376th Tepsick 
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002

I would like to find out more info about what unit/co. my dad was in. On his discharge papers it just states 376th infantry.
My dads name is Nicholas (Nick) Tepsick. He passed away in 1979. He never talked about the war from what I remember. Any help would be appreciated. You can e-mail me at tepsick@hotmail.com

Thank you,
Michael Tepsick

Date: Mon, 07 Nov 2002
From: "A. E. (Gene) Wise"  click here to email me 
Subject: Hey, we're on the Interstate now!!

Stretch of I-94 honors the fighting 94th
    The Enquirei- - 

If you’re driving on 1-94 near Battle Creek, you may notice a new green sign near the M-66 exit, and another near the West Columbia exit. 

The people who placed the signs there — one in each direction — hope you’ll take note during your drive that you’re now on the 94th Cornbat Infantry Division Memorial Highway.The six-mile stretch of road was formally dedicated during a ceremony Saturday afternoon at the rest stop near Helrner Road, where about 100 people gathered to honor the men of that division with the new signs and a granite marker. The three-foot-high marker placed at the entrance of the rest-area building, praises the 94th Infantry for its outstanding record during World War II.

“Well. I think it’s just great, I do,” said Fritz Hugo, 79, a 94th Infantry member from Mount Clemens. “I didn’t realize they were going to put a monument up. I thought it would just be a sign on the highway   Young people want to know about the Second World War ... and we want people to remember what we did right.”

During the patriotic ceremony, attendees recited the Pledge of Allegiance, listened to the national anthem and “Taps” and sang “God Bless America” and “America the Beautiful.”
It was on Sept. 15, 1942, the the 94th Infantry Division got its start at Fort Custer. Because of the proximity of the military camp to the freeway today, and the Infantry sharing the highway’s number, organizers came up with the idea for the highway memorial. 

“I like it,” said infantry member Jack Collins Sr. of Plainwell. “Having been activated here at Fort Custer, it seemed important to get this done. It brings back memories. I was a soldier for eight years. Once you’re an Army man, you remain such.”  Dick Kelly, a Infantry member from Northville, said a group of men from the Infantry began an avid letter-writing and fund-raising campaign two years ago that led to official approval for the highway from the Michigan Lcgislaturc and Gov.. John Fngler.
 “We want people to he aware of our outfit,’ Kelly said. “We’re proud of what we did for our country and for future generations.” 
 Jim Burns, an Infantry member from North Canton, Ohio, - drove five hours to attend the dedication ceremony and see the highway signs and granite marker.
“It’s a well deserved honor that probably should have been done a few years back,” Burns said. 
 The 94th Infantry landed at Utah Beach in France in 1944 during World War II and fought in the Battle of the Bulge, among other conflicts. During the war, thousands of men from the 94th Infantry were injured and hundreds died. Those men deserve recognition, said Clayton Painter of Sturgis, a U.S. Army veteran who came to the cerernony.
Painter said he hopes the narker and signs will encourage people to reflect on what’s happened in the past and better appreciate what the military has done for America. 
“I figured somebody ought to be here,” Painter said. “There are 10,000 guys who can’t be hcrc.

Jenny Rode can he reached at 966-0690 or 
click here to email her

 Gene Wise

John Milroy (L376) sent this picture of himself with a new monument to the 94th Inf. Div.
on a six mile stretch of Interstate 94 in Michigan.  The story is also attached.

From: Noah Stephens click here to email her
Date: Sat, 2 Nov 2002
Subject: I Co 302nd Inf

would love to hear from anyone that was in co l 302nd inf. casey, caragia, warren.
west hillery dishotel, I am Noah Stephens we were cut off in Battle of the Bulge Jan. 1945 

From: "Gross, David"  click here to email her
Subject: Orscholz
Date: Fri, 1 Nov 2002 

I have just happened upon the website for the 94th Inf.Div that is hosted by by haruth.com.   My interest in the town of Orscholz centers around the fact that my ancestors came from there in the 1850's.  This summer on a trip to France and Germany I visited the villages of Wehingen and Orscholz and met members of my family.  One of the persons I met had been a young boy during the war years.  He was evacuated from the town twice during the war.  He remembers that the town was nearly destroyed during the battles for control of the area.  The town is not nearly as "quaint" as some of the other villages in the area, owing to the fact that it was mostly rebuilt in years after the war with more modern (read mass produced) materials.  I was wondering if you know of a source of any photo's of Orscholz taken during the period after the fighting for control of the area.

Thank you 

Dave Gross

From: "Tom Bates"  click here to email me 
Date: Fri, 1, Nov 2002 

This e-mail has been sent to you because I believe you will be interested in my dual-language book, Normandy: The Search for Sidney / Normandie: A La Recherche de Sidney. However, if I am
mistaken, please let me know and I will take your name off my list of people who read and collect books about military history.

The 'Sidney' of the book's title was Corporal Sidney Bates, VC, a young, working-class, cockney boy who lived in Camberwell, South London, England. In June 1940, after the miraculous evacuation of the British Expeditionary Force from France through Dunkirk, he enlisted in the Royal Norfolk Regiment, one of the elite regiments of the British Army. Four years later, by then a highly trained infantryman, he was in the assault division at the invasion of Normandy on D-Day,
June 6, 1944. For two months after that he and his unit, 11 Platoon, 'B' Company, the 1st Battalion The Royal Norfolk Regiment, of 3 British Infantry Division, the famous 'Iron Division', fought in one battle after another as the Germans were slowly pushed back through the heavily defended hedgerow country of Normandy, the formidable bocage.

Sidney fought his last battle on August 6, 1944, near the hamlet of Pavee hidden deep in the bocage about 5 miles east of Vire. There, with his outnumbered battalion threatened by German Tiger tanks on both flanks, he turned back one frontal attack after another of Panzergrenadiers of 10 SS Panzer Division. Felled three times by the enemy's machinegun bullets and by mortar, grenade and shell fragments, he fought on until he could fight no more. But, all alone, he broke up the German attack and saved his battalion from being overrun. For that act of courage and self-sacrifice he was awarded the Victoria Cross, the highest award issued by the British for valour.  Sadly, Sidney died of his wounds two days later so the award, like so many awards of the Victoria Cross, was a posthumous one. He was twenty-three years old.

Finding the battlefield forty years after the battle proved to be surprisingly difficult. That was the 'Search for Sidney' of the book's title. Finally, with the help of two of Sidney's former comrades-in-arms and with the aid of local French people who had been caught up in the same battle, I found the exact field in which Sidney made his last stand. Today, carefully maintained by the locals, there is a monument nearby to record exactly where it all happened.

The book was translated into French by my friend, Jean Brisset of Flers, Normandy. I could not have found Sidney's battlefield without his help. The two languages, English and French, are printed side by side in parallel columns in such a way that, with the aid of the computer, one language never outstrips the other thus maintaining the entente cordiale between our two cultures!

Jean Brisset also helped me translate the other two sections of the book. The second section, The Madame Lenaud Story, refutes a libel perpetrated by Daryl Zanuck in the movie he made of Cornelius Ryan's fine book, The Longest Day. In that movie, Zanuck identified the drunken fireman who smooched the commando leader, Lord Lovat (played by Peter Lawford), fighting his way ashore, as the Mayor of Colleville-sur-Orne, a village about a mile or so inland from Sword beach. With the help of Madame Suzanne Lenauld, the daughter-in-law of the late Mayor, Alphonse Lenauld, I have proved that Zanuck's account is completely untrue.

The third section of the book, written by the late Lt. Colonel Eric Lummis, is an account of how the 1st Battalion The Suffolk Regiment captured HILLMAN on D-Day. HILLMAN was the code name given to the formidable, Maginot-like German strongpoint built near the village of olleville-sur-Orne to bar the way from Sword beach to Caen. It was the most formidable of all the objectives that had to be taken on D-Day by any of the Allied forces. Today, HILLMAN is preserved as a memorial to the 1 Suffolk Regiment. 

John Matheson, a Canadian notable and no mean soldier himself, wrote the Introduction. Sir John Keegan, Carlo D'Este, Paul Fussell and other well-known authors have reviewed the book favourably. Charles Whiting called it "Private Ryan in print!" It is described in detail on the website, www.batesbooks.com.

The book is available in the United States of America, Canada, the United Kingdom, France and Australia. The price in the USA is $30.00, plus shipping and handling and taxes (if applicable). The prices in other countries are converted at current rates of exchange.

Please go to the website www.batesbooks.com for ordering instructions.

Tom Bates, Berkeley, California


If anyone has information
please contact person direct by Email or Phone
if available
John Clyburn, Secretary

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