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September 2000
View Photos from 51st Annual Reunion in Norfolk, VA
From: RTCCPU@aol.com 
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000
Subject: Letter from Grandson

Hi -
   My father-in-law ( Jerome R. Lilienthal ) was in the 94th Infantry Division (i301).  During the summer of 1998 he had a stroke - which further complicated many of his health problems (diabetes, renal failure, gangrene).  My son, Scott, sent him a birthday card with a letter.  The letter was touching and I thought you might enjoy reading it and sharing it with other members of the 94th.   Unfortunately, my father-in-law passed away shortly thereafter on September 9, 1998.

Here is the letter from Scott to his grand-father:

Dear Poppy,                         Aug. '98

    I'm writing to wish you a very happy birthday, and also to thank you.
Jane and I recently saw 'Saving Private Ryan', a WWII movie about a group of D-Day survivors.  It made me think about you and Nana in a way I hadn't fully appreciated before.  It made me feel incredibly grateful for the wonderful life that's been left to me by the sacrifices of your generation.  It's a great luxury to to go through life without the constant threat of war.  I guess I'm trying to say that I'm proud that you were a part of that great turning point in history.
    Happy birthday and many more!  (Hope you're feeling well!)

                                                                Love always,


From: "William Stearns" 
subject: need info 
date: mon, 18 sep 2000 

I am trying to find some info on my grandfather. He was in C co. In the 94th inf. I don't know what regiment or anything, just that he was infantry. He was in some battle in a forest, and was the only survivor from his platoon or company or something along those lines. This is the only info that I have. His name was charlie stearns, from camden, maine, I don't know his rank. If anyone can tell me more, please email me at damnedyankees@hotmail.com
thank you

From: "RPHILLIPS1" <RPHILLIPS1@prodigy.net
Subject: John David Francis Phillips 
Date: Sun, 3 Sep 2000

Does anyone have information about my father, John David Francis Phillips, G-4 for the 94th Infantry Division. He was also USMA Class of 1929.

Richard, David and Margaret Phillips 

From: danielz@mail.chief.co.il (Daniel Zaidenberg) 
Subject: Abraham Ackerman 
Date: 08 Sep 2000

My father, Abraham Ackerman, was wounded in Nennig, Germany on January 15, 1945.  He served in the 376 Infantry  Regiment as radio operator.  If I can piece the information together properly, he had tried to help Lieutenant James H. McCoy who was fatally wounded during the same attack..  With my Dad's passing, three years ago, we first started to learn about his history in the war, but newspaper clippings and medals leave a lot of unanswered questions as to where he was, what he did,and what was he like during the war. 
I was named after a good friend of his, Donald, who was killed in action, but never knew anything about him either. 
  If anyone knew Abe, originally from Binghamton, N.Y. and could share some of their stories with me, I would tremendously appreciate it.  Sincerely, Donna

From: VidaVina@aol.com 
Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2000
Subject: Raymond Hyme & Red 

Dear sir:
     trying to find more specific info on MTech/Sgt Raymond Hyme he won two Bronze stars with your out fit and his son myself(I am his nephew are trying to find any men who new him or if yo have a division roster by battalion and company and could track down any one that was with him. He was from ohio, fell in a shell hole at night on the Siegfried line and was shiped home. He lived to marry and raise a large family of 6 children and be very successful dairy farmer. when he died in 1994 he was given a large funeral with eulogies from Our congressman,the Commanding general of the Ohio National Guard AND the Air force flew a missing man formation. He was heavily involved with the Dairy Lobby and had some political pull.

Unfornutaly one of his sons is a black sheep and has dissapeared with the citations and the medals I'm trying to recover these. They were won during The Bulge/Nordwind Period 12/44-2/45. Anything you can do or info wil be vastly appreciated. he had 2 friends one named red the other my cousin knows they were inseparble. Oh he was in the motor pool /Quatermasters Co. and then became a infantryman with his buddies when thing got rough.

sincerly yours 

Karl Strohmeyer 

From: "Adam & Jane Gallo" <ajgallo@prodigy.net
Subject: Fw: buddy search 
Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2000

my name is Adam Gallo from the 94th infantry div. 376th reg. "F" co. 
I am looking for anyone that remembers me . I joined the 94th div. in France between Christmas and new years 1944 . when the div. came up from st. nazaire .  I joined the division at that time and stayed with them til deactivation . I am wondering if anyone out there might remember me or had the same experiences as i did .I would appreciate any news i can get from anyone who might remember .I was in f company 2nd platoon . Lt Hollingswood was exec officer , 2nd Lt. Crawl was platoon officer and Capt. Whitman was company commander . 

If anyone wants to get in touch with me my address is 4729 12th St. Ct. E., Bradenton FL 34203 . Phone number is 941 758 7472  .  e-mail address is ajgallo@prodigy.net .

Adam Gallo    serial # 42179303 

From: MadPlace@aol.com
Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2000
Subject: Joseph V. Madigan 

I have recently gotten interested in my father's service during WWII.  I know he was in the 376th Inf Reg 94th Div, and was injured on January 19, 1945 in Germany.  I am planning a trip to Europe next year, and was wondering if anyone had any information on where in Germany he was injured or where I might be able to obtain that information.  Unfortunately, Dad passed away in 1989, so that source of information is not available to me.

Any information you could provide would be appreciated.

Thank you,
Susan Madigan 

From: Gbuster084@aol.com 
Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2000
Subject: My grandfather 

Very recently, I have been interested in my granfather's service during the war.  His name was Howard Acker and was from NJ.  Does anyone remember him and was anyone friends with him?  I have written to the National Archives and I received some useful information.  It stated that he went to Ft. Dix in New Jersey.  Under "Organization", it says he was part of the Hq Btry 554 AAA A/W Bn.  I have no clue what this means and I would appreciate if anyone can explain this to me.  His Army Serial Number is 32 466 159 and I hope this helps.  Over the Labor Day weekend, while I was at my grandmother's house, I found many negatives my grandfather took during the war.  There were a few pictures of my grandfather and his buddies around this German house with a huge Iron Cross in front of it.  Does anyone have these pictures also?  I would appreciate any help that I can get.  Thanks 

From: Gary Trimble <trimble@mbox.vol.cz
Subject: 319th Engineer Combat Battalion 

Dear Sirs,
I am looking for someone who was in the 319th Engineer Combat Battalion and maybe remembers Mr. Eugene Trimble.  I would also be grateful for contact to someone who was with the Battalion in Czechoslovakia.

Marketa Trimble Landova 

From: KcFossitt 
Subject: Presidential Unit Citation 

Just learned about a P.U.C. given to 3rd Bn 301 Inf Regt for military actions in WWII.
Can anyone shed some light on this? Thank you, Ken Fossitt

From: Thelma and Roland Vogt <rhvtkv@xroads.com
Thu, 14 Sep 2000 
Subject: Chaplain Trout 

Would very much appreciate hearing from anyone who might have information regarding a former Chaplain Traut who was with the 94th Division, 1944-45, at which time he was acquainted with a Capt. Roland Vogt from Appleton, Wi.  Chaplain Traut's home was in Lebanon Valley, Pa. at the time.  His daughter, I believe, was a Nurse with the Medical Corps and accompanied her father, Capt. Vogt and many others on their return to the U.S. in Feb. 1946 on the Thomas Berry, sister ship of the
Maury Castle.

Thank you

Roland H. Vogt 

From: "marnix @ susan" 
Subject: looking for.Pfc. Albert R.Schnuck
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 

I'm looking for any information regarding Pfc. Albert R.Schnuck : 94th Infantry Division - 301st Infantry Regiment. 
ASN : 35718960 Pfc Schnuck is listed as Killed in action during WW2.
I very much like to get in contact with his surviving familymembers or anybody else who knew him . I have two handwritten letters from him which I very much like to return to his relatives.
Please contact; Marnix Versteegh at nijmegen1944@hotmail.com


If anyone has information
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if available
John Clyburn, Secretary

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