up for the
51st Annual Reunion in Norfolk, VA |
From: Rolgeiger@aol.com
Date: Tue, 29 Feb 2000 Subject: Liberation of a P-47 Pilot on March 20, 1945, near Baumholder, Germany South of Baumholder, Germany, on March 18 to 20, 1945 On March 18, 1945, Lt. Walter R. Johnson, pilot of a P-47, belonging to 9th AF 368 Fighter Group 395th Fighter Squadron, was on a strafing mission to the area south of Baumholder, Germany, supporting Patton XX Corps units on its advance to the Rhine River. Near Baumholder they strafed a German convoy. While he did one more pass Johnson's plane was hit by small arms fire and started to burn. He managed to get some distance to the convoy but had to bail out. He came down safely and hid in the woods nearby for the following night. Next morning - March 19 - he was discovered by German troops walking throught the woods while retreating. They accepted his surrendering and together they went to a nearby village where they got some soup and slept in the barn over night. "The next morning (March 20) a 3rd Army convoy came through. I stopped a jeep and told them my situation. He told me to go back and he would send someone to pick me up. Two enlisted and a LtCol came in and took me to Baumholder, then onto a gas truck ride to Trier. From there I was put on a plane ride to Metz." 55 years later Johnson got in contact
to me and Klaus Zimmer, local
If you know something about it or heard about, please, contact me at rolgeiger@aol.com Thanks a lot and god bless you. Roland Geiger, St. Wendel, Germany |
From: "Jim Simmons" <brojim@vci.net>
Subject: My Father, James R. Simmons Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 My father, James Raoul Simmons, served as a corporal in the 94th division during WW 2. He was from the Chicago area, and all we know is that he was an interpreter in French and German, interviewing captured soldiers. Later, he worked with the Armed Forces Radio network in Germany. (His one memento was a large, silk map of Europe which could be folded and hidden in the heel of a shoe.) We are trying to find out any information about his unit or areas in which he may have served. If you have any information, please e-mail me at: brojim@vci.net. THANKS, Jim Simmons, Jr. |
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2000
To: 94thSearch@94thInfDiv.com From: "Sarita N. Warren" <sanawa@gsvms2.cc.gasou.edu> Subject: Campbell Willingham Searching for: Campbell Willingham, 94th Inf.Div., served in WWII in Europe. Wife's name, Carolyn. Can you give me any info? He served with my uncle, Lt.Col. Inman Earl Mallard. Any help will be appreciated. Sarita Warren
From: "kelli" <dkrhoades@netnitco.net>
Subject: MY UNCLE Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2000 My Uncle, Clarence "Quack" Poole," served in the 94th division during ww2. He was from Vigo County, IN. I think from New Goshen or Shikeyville. I know he was wounded in action but don't know where. If any one would know please e-mail me at dkrhoades@netnitco.net |
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2000
From: "Gail C. Rodin, Ph.D." <gailrodin@mindspring.com> Subject: Croix de Guerre - info? Hello -
Among his things we found a medal that we've identified as the "Belgian Croix de Guerre." We're interested in what this might have been awarded in recognition of - we know that sometimes it was awarded to entire units and sometimes to individuals, but we don't know which case might apply here. We've read Byrnes' "History of the 94th Division" and didn't see any mention of combat action in Belgium. (Obviously, we can't just ask him, because that would spoil the surprise!) My uncle's name is Sherman Kapner. He was from Mount Freedom, NJ. As near as we can tell from his discharge record, he was a Pfc (Rifleman) for most of 1944, a Cpl in an anti-tank unit for most of 1945, and made Sgt (Recon NCO) around October or November of 1945. He was discharged in early Feb, 1946. Do you have any records or knowledge about how or why he would have come to have this Croix de Guerre? Anything you can tell us, or any leads you can suggest, will be most highly appreciated. Thank you. Gail C. Rodin
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2000
From: Mark Gibson Subject: Pfc George R. Gibson I am looking for any information or anyone who may have know my uncle, Pfc George R. Gibson. What information I have is that he was in the 376th Infantry Regiment. He was killed in action 3/45. Any information would be helpful. Thank you. please reply to mdbuceye@aol.com. Mark Gibson |
From: VDoss96125@aol.com
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000 Subject: Thurman Duncan Hello My name is Ginger Doss. I am the daughter of Thurman Duncan, co/m.103d. His rank was Staff Sergeant. His CO was a Haggergy. If you could ask if anyone remembers him, that he lives at 15907 c.r. 498 Lindale,Texas. 903-882-6545. As I remember telling us he used to blow up things for fun, like outhouses with people in them and there is no telling what else father did back then. He really did not talk to much about I just remember how bad he said it was in lots of places he went. I know he is getting older and does not travel much anymore. He has talked about coming to one of the reunions, but he just doesn't ,so I thought if someone might write to him he might change his mind. Please let us know if you can find someone. you can even give them my e-mail or write me at 15935 c.r. 498 Lindale,Texas 75771 903/882-7046. Thank you for reading my note and Thank you all for the Freedom you fought for me so, I can do the things I want to do. It must have been hell on earth for all you to fight in another country and away from your families. Again I want to say Thank you for what you did for me. Ginger Doss |
Fri, 6 Feb 2000
From: JStobaugh <jstobaugh@inficad.com> Subject: Gilbert Hoffman I am not sure if I am emailing the right place. I've been going through my Dad's war album and noticed a list of men that were in the band and a patch with the same logo as the one on top of your page. My Dad's name was Gilbert Hoffman. He was originally from St. Louis, MO. I don't know much about his war service but would like to find out. I do know that he was stationed in Okinawa. I have apicture of him with the HQ CO., 1685th Eng.Combat Bn. If there is anyone that knew him I would love for you to contact me at jstobaugh@inficad.com. I guess the reason I thought he might have been a part of your unit was the insignia, and the sheet of personnel that said 94th Div. Band. Could it have been possible that he was part of the 94th div. while in the states? I know he was in Japan so it would be unlikely that he would have been with you during the war. I'm sorry if I don't make alot of sense. |
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2000
From: Robert Becker <rfbecker@tco.net> Subject: CWO Raymond Becker My father served with the 94th during WW II. He retired in 1961 after serving 30 years in the US Army. I did not get to know much about his service in WW II. Anyone out there know him? Love to hear from you. I am a Vietnam veteran who served with the 4th Infantry Division as a combat engineer. My youngest son served with the 10th Mt. Division in Somalia and Haiti. I think my family has served the country well. Thanks to all the WW II vets who saved the world! God Bless, Robert Becker |
From: "bthomas" <bjt@texoma.net>
Subject: PFC Edward Lee Thomas, Co "F" 376th Inf Regt Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2000 My father, PFC Edward Lee Thomas died from lung cancer on 11 May 1986. Although he was born and raised on Signal Mountain next to Chattanooga, Tennessee he was living in Detroit, Michigan upon entering the army. If there is anyone out there who knew him I would love to hear from you about any experiences you may have shared together. I joined the Air force when I was 19 and stayed in for 22 years so I was away most of the time until my dad was diagnosed with cancer so I know very little about his experiences in the war. I have a copy of the 94th Division history and another book called Patton's Ghost Corps: Cracking the Siegfried Line written by Nathan N. Prefer copyright 1998 Presidio books both of these are worthwhile reading, particularly Patton's Ghost Corps. Upon discharge from the army he was assigned to company "F" of the 376th infantry regiment. At various times he may have gone by the nicknames "Shorty" or "Hillbilly". He spoke once of being a member of a mortar team, but I do not know if that was temporary or for the duration. His service number was 34 499 668 and he was a Private First Class. Thanks, Bobby J Thomas
From: "richard mestas" <mestascolorado@email.msn.com>
Subject: Looking for information regarding the 94th Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2000 My uncle, Bernard Duran was assigned
to the 94th Recon Trp, MECZ,
From: Chad Christ
Subject: 94th Infantry 376th Inf Reg. Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2000 My grandfathers name was Milo J. Skalnik,
He was a Staff Sergeant in E company of the 376th infantry regiment, 94th
Infantry Division. He was from Cleveland, Ohio, and he was in Europe from
August of 1944 until December of 1945. He passed away a few years ago.
(see Taps)
Chad A Christ
From: "Michael Sinicki" <micksnick2000@hotmail.com>
To: 94thelements@haruth.com Subject: 94th Infantry / 376 Regime Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2000 My father, Robert J. Sinicki, is a World
War 2 Veteran.
thank you,
From: "Mike D'Augelli" <mdaugelli94@hotmail.com>
Subject: Manual F. Delgado F/376 Date: Wed, 02 Feb 2000 21:08:20 PST Manual Delgado was with F/Co. from the
start. He was wounded in the St. Nazair early on by a Phosphorus
grenade on his backside. Manual was from Los Angeles area. He came
home on battalion rotation early March 1945, His best buddy was Emanuel
Weisner from New York. Weisner was killed in March l945. Would like
to get in touch with Manual he really helped me stay alive. Gave me tips
when to duck or not.
Mike Daugelli F/376 1st squad under Lt. Wilson KIA Feb 10, 1945 |
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