Subject: How can I get the rest of my Father's Medals Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2009 From: "Nance Kruh-Meyer" NKruhMeyer@ahaanet.com Hi My father Louis Kruh, served in the 94th infantry in WWII—he was awarded several medals—I don’t know if I have all of them, and sadly he has memory issues and cannot tell us about how he earned these medals—I can tell you that He has a bonze star(part of it) and a purple heart, and I have a nazi belt on my desk. His dog tag says 42042172-T44A How can I get the rest of his medals, and how can I get a copy of the orders issuing these medals?? I am very proud of him and want very much to learn more about his heroism. God Bless you!! |
From: WW2Connections@aol.com Dear Sir, |
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 2009 From: Christine Vrooman cv222@yahoo.com Subject: Ernest Martin, 302nd, L Company Ernest
Martin is a neighbor of ours in rural central Virginia. He
has lost his hearing but has the most incredible memory and has amazing
tales about his experiences in the war. I would like to connect
him with anyone from that company. Please contact me if you
know of anyone who might know him.
Thank you. |
From: "Deb Cottier" <dcottier@gpcom.net> Subject: history of the 94th Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2009 My father-in-law was in the 94th regiment, D+30 through late 1945 in Europe. My husband is looking for a book he had as a child that told the history of the 94th as they travelled across France. His father drove a supply truck. I do not know the name of the book, but am told it had numerous pictures in it. If anyone has any ideas
about this, I’d appreciate knowing a title and author so
I can search for the book. |
From: "Jennifer
Smith" Subject: William Frank Smith Date: Sat, 28 Nov 2009 My grandfather, William Frank Smith, was in HQ Co 2nd bat
301 Infantry during WWII. He passed away in 1975. Does
anyone remember my grandfather? He was from Buford, GA. Prior
to being drafted by the army he was supposed to play for
St. Louis Cardinal’s as a pitcher. He would not
talk about his experiences in the war with my father and my father
knows little about his unit. Any help would be greatly appreciated. |
From: "Dave
Graham"prvstock@comcast.net Mr Helms: Before all are gone and the photos just go to the wind, why not make a mass plea/appeal to your readers to get these unit photos loaded onto your site. After years of contacts, A vet of F/317 provided me with a partial
photo of that company (probably at Camp McCain). It clearly shows my
Uncle who later died at Bannholz Woods on 2-10-45. |
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 My uncle, Thomas Bernard McDonnell, served under General Patton,
while in the 94th while in Czecoslovakia.He passed away in 1992 and
once I recall seeing a photo of him receiving the Silver Star from
Patton. Does anyone remember Thomas McDonnell ? My uncle was from
Lyndhurst, NJ? My uncle never shared his war stories but I recall
that his unit was ambushed. Uncle Bernie was able to get away and
secure a tank at which time he killed some 50+ Germans. |
Subject: Kennedy K. Kane #37 243 659 Cn Co 376th Inf Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 From: "Vanessa Kane" <VKane@vfw.org> My name is Vanessa Kane, my father - Kennedy K. Kane
#37 243 659 Cn Co 376th Inf. 94th Division. From Pleasant
Hill Missouri. He served from 1942 to 1945 and left the service
as a Tech 5. My dad passed away in 1996. I have all
of his original induction and release papers including a thank
you letter from President Harry Truman. I have a copy of
a photograph of what I believe is his company (apprx 100 soldiers)
in a panoramic size. As well, I have many, photographs of
his time in the service, most of which have no notations as to
who is in the photograph. I would love to know if there is
still anyone around who remembers my dad and would be happy to
share photos. |
From: "Crawford, Michael MAJ MIL USA TRADOC" <michael.crawford@us.army.mil> My name is Major Tony Crawford and I am trying to track down information on my grandfather. Like many WWII veterans he never spoke of his experiences and passed away in 1982 when I was very young. I was told for years that my grandfather had served with the 95th, but now after discovering some old photos at my gandmother's home I now know he served with the 94th Infantry Division. In the photo he is wearing the distinctive 94th helmet with three other US soldiers and a captured Wermacht soldier. I would like to learn more about his service and "fill in the gaps". Is there a database or resource anyone can point me towards that could tell me more specifics such as company, regiment etc...? His name was Eulane Crawford and in the photos he is a PFC. thank you for any help you can give me Tony Crawford MAJ, FA Cell (912) 271-4816 |
From: "arnold dunn" <jerrydamouse@elp.rr.com> My father PFC Doyle D Dunn 38441615 was in the 94th Infantry Division 319th Medical Battalion during WW2. My father passed away August 21,1989 but I am trying to gather as much information about his time in the army as I can, If there is anyone who might know what the units D U I (distinctive unit insignia) was it would be a great help to me. Any information is appreciated. Please e mail me at arnold.dunn45@yahoo.com Thank you Arnold Dunn |
From: "Wilma Bland" <wpb52@olynet.com>
Wilma Bland |
From: "Rhea,
Trenton L SSG RES USAR USARC" Sir/Madam, My name is Trent Rhea and I am looking for any information that anyone may have on my grandfather, PFC Harold L. Rhea. He was a member of the Communications Platoon, HQ Company, 3rd Battalion, 301st Infantry Regiment, 94th Infantry Division. Thank you very much for any help you can give me. Very Respectfully, SSG Trenton Rhea |
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2009 I am trying to find information on my grandfathers service with the 94th during WWII. His name is William E. Petersen and I believe he was a Tech Sergeant. I know he was with the 301st Field Artillery Company. I have been unable to find any information online and cannot seem to find anything on the 301st Cannon Co. If there is anything you can
tell me or somewhere I can go to find out information it would be greatly
appreciated. Thank you. |
From: "Carol Kelly" <weedlady@roadrunner.com> Subject: 301st Infantry, Company B POW camp in/near Fallingbostel Date: Mon, 3 Aug 2009 I
just tried without success to contact Lisa Abke who had posted
a message at this site Oct. 13, 2008 asking about anyone else
who was a 94th infantry, Company B, WWII P.O.W. My
message to her bounced; guess the address is outdated. Maybe she
will see this.
Dad, Charles (Chuck) Bondie, was with the 94th in WWII--
the 301st Infantry, Company B. Like Ms. Abke's grandfather,
he also was taken prisoner after the commanding officer
surrendered company B near Orsholz , Germany on Jan. 21, 1945
and ended up at a POW camp in/near Fallingbostel, Germany. Prisoners
there were freed on April 25, 1945. At my request, and also to
give the story to his grandkids for a school project a number of
years ago, Dad has written a little bit about his experiences from
the time he entered the war until taken prisoner, but will say
little about his captivity except in rather general terms.
have been wondering how many other members of the 94th's
former POWs still are living, and used Google to find this
website. Interestingly, there is one other resident in the same
facility as Dad who also is a Detroit native and who served in
the European Theater during the war, though with a different outfit
and never was captured. He & my dad seem to have hit it off
as friends and recently they went together to an honoring
ceremony for veterans held here in town.
there are any other people out there with stories to share
relating to the same time frame & circumstances,
please write.
Thank you.
Marion, Ohio
weedlady at roadrunnerdotcom
From: IncuJas033@aol.com Hello, I believe he was part of the 94th division because he has a letter addressed from Company F of the 376th infantry regiment; he also was a medic. Can anyone help me out? |
From: "Scott & Sherry
Bell" Seeking WWII soldiers or family members who were members of 94th Army Infantry Division, Co. C, 319th Engineers, Combat Battalion. I would like to make connections for my Dad, Leonard Earl Bennett from North Carolina who will be 87 years old 09/23/09. I also can email photos from my Dad's album to anyone interested. For a list of the men in
this photo album from Company C, email me at sasca@triad.rr.com. |
From: "Mike & Marie
D'Augelli" Looking for my F/376 Buddy Pvt Stegel from the Bronx. Have not seen or heard from him since leaving the company December 1945. Hope someone knows or knows what happened to him. Mike Daugelli. Contact me at mdaugelli94@hotmail.com |
Date: Tue, 4 Aug 2009 My father, Walter J. Pudelek, was in the 94th Infantry Division during WWII. On November 17, 1996 he passed way. I don't know much about what my father did during the war. And I was wondering if there is anyone out there that new my father and would want to share any stories or information about him. Any correspondence is welcome. Please contact me at qslvmsgsrv@comcast.net
Thank you in advance Andrew J. Pudelek |
Subject: Peter Anthony Zagaglia I am looking for information in regards to any one who might have known by father: Peter Anthony Zagaglia, Sargent in the 94th Signal Battalion. He was boot camp at Fort Dix, NJ and released from Fort Monmoth, NJ. He came from Newport, RI and served in the army 1942-1945, European theater. He was in the signal corp,. He built the telephone lines during the war. I remember going to a reunion, when I was 11 years in Akron, Ohio. If you could find out some information or lead me in the right direction, I would certainly appreciate it. He passed away in 1968 leaving 4 daughters. Regards, Linda Zagaglia |
From: George Potter georgepotter1946@yahoo.com Carl Thomas Potter of (company M 376 inf. reg. 94th inf. division) was captured around Metz on Jan 16 1945. Serial
No. 34498947 He was "liberated" on April
16 1945 by the "British Armored Division" some of his friend
were: |
Date: Sat, 11 Jul 2009 I am searching for anyone who has any information or contacts for the above. My father served in the 94th division of the U.S. Army. He's 83 years old now and I think it would be awesome for him to find some of his mates are still alive. Please respond either way. I can be reached at hvizdosfamily@verizon.com or at 412-721-0641. Erika (Rosenberger) Hvizdos Thanks so much. |
From: Jon Stonis I am looking for anyone who might have information on a relative who
fought in World War 2 in this division. His name was Glenn Victor Pugh.
He was a Staff Sergeant in K-Company, 301st Regiment, 94th Division,
3rd Army. His date of death is listed as January 28, 1945. Do any of
you have any idea of where he might have died on that particular day?
I am also wondering if the data of death is accurate. So many men lost
their lives during the Battle of the Bulge and I am wondering if it
was possible to always keep those dates accurate. |
Alan & Barbara Fox My father, Vernon B. Fox, Jr. was in the 94th, M/376. He passed away
in 2002 and is recorded on the TAPS page. Recently, I obtained an inexpensive
scanner and have been scanning a few of dad's pictures from the war
with other soldiers depicted in them. Few are marked as to who these
soldiers are, but there is one photo marked Pop Everson and Homer Greer.
Would like to make contact with these soldiers or their families to
share with them the picture and perhaps they might have a photo of
my dad. |
AMERICAN FLAG RETIREMENT Who are we? Visit our website at www.kitchentablegang.org for details about us and what we are doing to help veterans and our soldiers overseas, plus giving proper respect for ol'glory. The Kitchen Table Gang Trust will retire your tattered, worn out and frayed American flags with full honors! Anything else is desecration! Just send your flags to the not-for-profit Kitchen Table Gang Trust, 42922 Avenue 12, Madera, CA 93638-8866 and we'll dispose of your flags in a proper and dignified manner with full honors and dignity pursuant to the United States Flag Code Section 8K (PL93-344). The Kitchen Table Gang (formed over 16 years ago) is a "rag-tag" bunch of patriotic military types helping hospitalized veterans and our soldiers and Marines overseas with "Care" packages. Our flag retirement ceremonies are held on Flag Day, June 14th each year and are conducted by MGySgt Daniel Kelley USMC and an all volunteer military honor guard with Eagle Boy Scouts assisting. The Kitchen Table Gang Trust also has a nationally recognized educational program for our young people and students, teaching them the history, traditions and respect for our national emblem. When you send us a flag, please enclose a donation for this
service which
allows us to continue and expand our many patriotic programs. We do
things with your contributions (just ask any veteran or military service We are located at the junction of Highway 41 and Avenue 12 just down from the world famous red, white, and blue barn (with the fifty golden stars on the roof) on the way to Yosemite National Park. Please, send us your flags! |
Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 To Whom it may concern: Every time I drive between my house in Chicago and my Mom's house in Detroit, I pass over the 94th Infantry Highway and wonder if someone, anyone is interested in my Father's old uniform. Dad was in the 94th in the Anti-tank? and was captured in Jan 1945. We have his dress jacket, with his sargent stripes, which was his last rank. don_weber@yahoo.com home |
The Nashville 2009 Reunion on DVD is now available It's priced at $20.00 and can be obtained by contacting Jack Krokos 1057 Tuckahoe Rd Milmay, NJ 08340 856-205-9480 or jfkrokos@yahoo.com $3.00 of the $20.00 goes to the 94th Assoc. |
Date: Mon, 15 Jun 2009 My
father, Elmo Urban, was in M Co., 376th Reg, 94th InfDiv. He
was a machine gunner and arrived at the 94th on Jan 15, 1945.
As a member of one of the MG platoons, I assume he was "attached" from
time to time to the line companies (I,K&L). As many have stated
in their searches, Dad rarely spoke about the war. He passed away
in 1998 and I am trying to find anyone who might have known him
and could relate what they all went through. I have several pictures
of him with several others in a window of an SS barracks. |
Subject: my father was in the 94th infantry division, trying to
find any records my father, August Gabriel Napoli, was in the 94th
infantry division. I believe he was wounded in March of 1945 in Germany, near
Trier. my father passed away over 20 years ago. Hoped someone could help me find any records of my fathers
activity during the war. Oor if there is anyone still around
that may have known him. thank you, bob napoli |
From: "Monty" I'm looking for Charles Wayne Gergely. I last served with him in Ft. Campbell. I think he has been to New York and Hawaii. My email is mterry6675@blomand.net or spittinand drummin@hotmail.com. Thanks. MT |
From: "Jane Harrison" <janeharr@gmail.com> |
![]() From: "Joseph Tamberino Jr." <nascarfan424140@yahoo.com> To Mr. Harry Helms, Hi, My name is Joseph J. Tamberino Jr., I'm writing to you this morning, to see if you can help me find out about my Grandfather, Fredrick B. Chasse Jr. PVT. #31431789, who severed with the 54th Signal Battalion HQ. Co., 94th Infantry during WW II. My Grandfather had passed away last year, And yesterday was his Birthday, He would have been 90 years old. Being a Veteran myself, and who comes from a family of many Vets, My Grandfather would never talk about what he did, or where he was during WW II, as many hero's, only to say he was in the Battle Of The Bulge. Last week I bought the new DVD of the movie Patton, One of my favorites, and it has a special documentary in it about the 94th Infantry Division, as you probably know, In it, the 94th was not in the Battle Of The Bulge, but at the Sigfree line, Where Patton hung the 94th out to dry and sent his armor north to Bastone.I need your help if you can, to close this chapter in our family as to where he was, and where he got wounded. He did tell us that he was a part of Patton's 3rd Army. I've also enclosed a photo of his medals, very impressive. Also, On his DD 214, there is now mention of the Bronze Stars, only the Purple Heart. I would greatly appreciate any kind of help that you can give.
Thank You Very Much |
Subject: Robert H. Carter, KIA Jan 1945 Sir, My grandfather, Robert H. Carter, served in the 94th and was KIA Jan 16, 1945. His serial number was 31430827. I met his CO at a 94th reunion in St. Louis around 1992-93, can’t remember which year. My grandmother was able to find some peace with being able to speak to his former captain and garner details of her late husbands death. Anyway, I am quite interested to find out if there is anyone still around who knew my grandfather and could shed some more light on his service prior to his death in combat. I am currently serving on active duty in the United States Navy, stationed in Japan. Very respectfully, and thank you for any assistance,
Michael J Carter |
From: rebelchile@live.com |
Tim Cochran <timdawn2004@earthlink.net> 94th Infantry Division, While
moving my mother out of her house last year, I came across an interesting
item. It is a wooden cigarette case. It appears handmade. On the
front is the 94th Infantry Division insignia and around the insignia
are the words "Our thanks to the American
Army" at
the top and "Czechoslovakia" underneath the insignia. All four sides have a texture to them and are stained. I assume
for striking matches. Are you familiar with these items? My
father was in the Navy in WWII, stationed in the Philippines, but
he taught at a military school in Missouri for many years — Kemper
Military School and Junior College. I would be willing to bet he
this from a member of the military department he worked with at Kemper. If you would like I could email a photo of the case. Any information would be appreciated. Thanks Tim Cochran |
Subject: Wooden presentation plate? Dear Sir, I am not sure if you can help but I have received a wooden plate as a gift with your unit insignia and your theaters of operation carved into it. I have attached a picture of it. It is well crafted, but there are no initials or names on the back; where I would have assumed a soldier might have signed his work. Neither is there any regimental or smaller unit identity, so am thinking rather than a unique piece it may be one of many used as presentation gifts. I am hoping someone there might recognize it and be able to provide some history on it. It is beautiful in its own right and I am happy to have it as part of my collection, but it would be that much more meaningful if I had some history on it. I would greatly appreciate whatever help anyone could provide. Sincerely, Jeff Senft PS:I am looking forward to reading up on your unit on the website. |
Date: Mon, 2 Mar 2009 It is with deepest sympathy that I notify you. My mother,
Sarah Denk, went home to be with the Lord peacefully at her home
on 11/17/08. She was the wife of Nicholas
Denk who preceeded her
in death in Feb 1, 1992. Sarah was actively involved with the Ladies
Auxillary and even after daddy's death managed to travel to reunions
held in different states. She will be deeply missed by so many family
and friends. Mom was 94 years young. |
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 Hello, I am the daughter of Alfred Meidlinger who was also in the 94th Division, 301st Infantry, Company F. My father died in 2002, but never shared anything with any of his 8 children about the war as this was an awful experience for him and he didn't like to share the bad memories. I now have sons of my own and my 8th grader is finding himself increasingly more interested in my father and his war experience. I am writing in hopes that you may know if it is possible to find specific information on soldiers in the 94th Division or if there is anyone that may possibly remember him and have a story or two to share? I know that my father received a Bronze Star for bravery on the battlefield, but beyond that I'm sorry to say that I don't know much. I appreciate any help you can give me on this. Thank you, Sincerely, |
From: "Michelle
Burnett" Hello, I have recently acquired a small 94th Division pamphlet “On The Way”, which was printed in Paris. It has “PFC David Jackson” in “name” area and several signed names in the “autographs” area. They are Daniel Baugh, PFC Glenn Ames, Larry Halland and Al Wilcox. If anyone has any information on these soldiers I would appreciate it. Thank you Troy Burnett |
From: Elizabeth Johnson Good Morning and Thank You. My name is Elizabeth Johnson and I am searching for anyone with information about my uncle Pvt William “Pearl” Campbell who died on Feb 7, 1945. My mother, his sister, has very few details about his service and is now losing her ability to communicate what little she knows. My uncle, who was known as Pearl to his family, was only 19 when he died. I don’t know a company or location of his death even. I would appreciate any information at all. Thank you, not just for any help you can offer, but for your service. I am grateful for both. Elizabeth Johnson Pine River, MN 56474 e-mail: booksjohnson@live.com |
Subject: Alberto F. Guerrero Good Morning, my name is Edward Dominguez I am also trying to locate photos, and account of how my grandfather served with the 94th 301. His name was “Alberto F. Guerrero ASN 38558709, KIA Feb 21, 1945. Thank You Edward Dominguez |
Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2009 Hello, Tonight I found a brief letter to my mother dated May 19, 1945. It was written on the back of a typed letter of Commendation to the 94th Infantry Division by Major General Walton H. Walker. My dad's return address was SFC Harry Wyatt 3565499 Hq. Co. 3 ?u.376 Inf ?PO94. In the lower left corner of the envelope it is stamped "passed by" then signed Lt Johnson. I would appreciate any information about him or the experiences of this group of soldiers. Thank you for serving and sacrificing for this
United States of America. Thank you. Sincerely, |
Subject: Robert Cataldo My father was a member of the 94th 302nd infantry L company. He is still alive living outside of Boston but never speaks of his time in the service. I know he was wounded and taken prisoner. Does anyone have any additional information? Todd Cataldo |
From: "Sarah Davis" <sdavis@plattsburghdistributingco.com> I am writing in hopes of helping my grandfather find anyone
he knew from the
94th. His name is Brandon Brant from Westport NY. He served in the
94th/302nd/Headquarters. He was later transferred into the
1st/16th/Headquarters in Czechoslovakia. The war ended as his group
was If any
one remembers him please contact my grandmother at 518-962-4488, he
would be
so happy to hear from anyone. Sarah Davis |
From: "craig" <kubiklan@wayxcable.com> Anyone with a picture of Company D of the 376th Infantry Regiment, 94th Infantry Division in 1944-1945? Thanks. |
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