With Appreciation, Jim Heaton (949) 212-5733 |
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2007 From: "Donna Duty" Click HERE to email me Subject: Researching for information concerning my father who served in Co K, 302D, 94th Infantry Division To Whom It May Concern: I am doing reserch to try to find any information (photos, unit histories, etc.) of the unit that my father served in during WWII. He was a First Sergeant in Co K, 302D, 94th Infantry Division. His name was Charles Everett Weeks. If you can provide any information to me concerning his unit, OR where I might go to find photos, and any records about his company K members, I would greatly appreciate it. Mrs. Donna Weeks Duty Cary, North Carolina |
From: <Kelly> My Father served with the 94th Inf. during W.W.II. His name is Robert J. Kelly. He was from Wheeling, West Virginia. He was a Sargent. He passed away July 1988 in Riverside Ca. If any one knew him I would like to get any information about what Unit in the 94th he served with, or any other information about him. He never spoke about his duty during the war. I have only a couple of photos from that time. He is in the middle in the photo with the jeep. click here to contacted me.
From: Bernard
Rader On August 26, on the “Personal Notice and Search Page” of the 94th Infantry Division website, I told you about a visit I made to the French Consulate in New York City. Well, imagine my surprise when the next day I received an email telling me that they were recommending me for the “Chevalier of the Legion of Honor”. I would like to tell you a little about what happened next. A few months later, the French Ambassador in Washington sent me a letter saying, “I am delighted to learn that you have been appointed Chevalier of the Legion of Honor by the President of the French Republic, Mr. Nicolas Sarkozy”. On November 5th, we arrived in Washington and were met at the airport by a Sergeant Major of the French army who became our escort for the time we were there. We were guests of the French government. On Tuesday, November 6th, we were driven to the Residence of the French Ambassador. President Sarkozy arrived and said a few words about this medal. He then said a little about each of us, calling each “a hero”. He then pinned the medal to our lapels and kissed each man on both cheeks. When he approached me, he whispered in my ear, “Thank you from the people of France”. It was very moving. The fact that we were able to have our children, some of our grandchildren and my sister there, as guests, made it all the more wonderful. On Wednesday, November 7th, we were driven to the Capitol to hear President Sarkozy’s speech to Congress. After being led to a reception room where we were congratulated by Speaker Nancy Pelosi., we were escorted to the VIP section of the gallery. In the course of his speech, he said: ” To all the veterans who are here today and, notably the seven I had the honor to decorate yesterday evening, one of whom, Senator Inouye, belongs to your Congress, I want to express the deep, sincere gratitude of the French people. I want to tell you that whenever an American soldier falls somewhere in the world, I think of what the American army did for France. I think of them and I am sad, as one is sad to lose a member of one’s family”. What an honor! The speech was received with many standing ovations. After the speech, we ended our visit with a luncheon at the French Embassy. I said a few words about my experiences and thanked the French people for their help when our POWs were starving. We then left for the airport to go home. These were three days that my wife and I will never forget. |
The Last Hurrah October 2, 2007 In the morning, June 8th, we will either go to St. James Cemetery (where some of our boys who died in the ambush are buried) and we will pray for our dead and we will have Taps- and then go to Mont St. Michel and see the massive walls and the Signs of the Tides and other things, or, reverse the two above. In the afternoon (still June 8th), we will bus to Brittany and go to Lorient and go to the hotel for dinner .In the morning, Lorient and Etel (and we can ask Pierre Poisson, our great translator and my good spokesman) to help us. Then, we will again try to find our ambush site and Kerdudal. (Odette Helou and Frank Perammant will be there with us and will find it again). Then, on June 9th and 10*, we'll see the submarine base in Lorient, our Lorient hospital room, the landing in Etel where Gerow Hodges was getting us out and the negotiations in the Breton Cafe. After that, also the 10th, we will take the ferry to He de Groix. We will stay in the hotel and have dinner. On June 11th and June 12th, we will visit Fort Surville (where our Company K was imprisoned), the Eco Museum with Sylvie San Quirce, our curator and great friend, the 94th Road of the Prisoners and the Plaque which we gave to the people of He de Groix. We will see the Seydlitz Batteries, and lunch at Chez Paule (her daughter gave us our the Flag with 36 stars, now in Fort Bragg). Sylvie says that we are having some kind of celebration there at that time and we are sure there will be French veterans and other dignitaries present. We will be honored at these parades and she says that a part of this will be dedicated to the prisoners. We will go for Mass in the Chapel in Lacmaria and say prayers for our dead comrades and for our Gerow Hodges. On June 12 th, we will depart He de Groix in the morning and the bus will drive to Paris where another hotel waits for us. The bus is then finished and from June 13 th to June 15 th, we will stay in Paris and see the sights. On June 16 th, we will transport to the airport. A few of our friends and our children said that they would like to go
with us-10 people already said OK, At this point, we don't know -how
many people we would have, and have no idea of the cost of the trip.
If you are at all interested hi going, please let us know. If you do
not want to go, please tell us too. We'll wait up to October 20 th for
your answer. Joan, June and I will take care of the details of hotels,
meals, airfares, etc. June and Bernie |
From: "Dick Coy" His name was Richard William Bireley from Kokomo, IN. His serial number was 35 362 770. His date of birth was April 21, 1921. His date of death was reported as February 27, 1945. He was in Company F, 355th Engineers in the early spring of 1944. We don’t know when he transferred to the 94th Infantry Division. I was only 2 ½ years old when he died so I have no memory of him. My mother passed several years ago. We now have two granddaughters and hope to collect as much information on my father as we can. Can you help us with:
Thank you for any help you can give me. |
From: Bernard Rader click HERE to email me August 26, 2007 Girls & Guys,: We were at the French Consulate in New York on Wednesday. These are the items that we spoke about with Mme. Helene Vasquez and Mme. Elisabeth Chopard, deputies of Mme Chantal Chauvin, Deputy Consul General of France. 1. We told them about the flag with 36 stars that was given to us by Mme. Paule Gourronc. It was originally in Fort Devens, Massachusetts in the Museum of the 94th Infantry. That museum is being dismantled, and the flag was one of the items that is being transferred to the new Museum of the Army in Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Historian Don Mulry did the move and it was great. We should go there to Fort Bragg to see it! 2. The Plaque that we presented to the people of Ile de Groix was originally on the wall leading to Fort Surville. After much prodding on our part, they finally moved it to the center of town on the Monument to the War Dead. Now, it can be seen by the tourists and anyone else who is there. They had a huge ceremony on May 8th when they moved it and we have photos and newspaper clippings about the event. 3. Channel 21 (PBS on Long Island) is interviewing me this Wednesday for its series, “War Stories of Long Island”. We’ll see how that comes out. They also want to see the video “For One English Officer”. Wouldn’t it be great if we could finally get it on Public TV in this area and also Channel 13 in New York City! 4. The children of Ile De Groix wrote a book called “Gildas – The Cabin Boy from Groix”. It is a story about a young boy from Groix who is a cabin boy on a ship going to Newfoundland in the 1800s. The story is written in French, and was translated into English by a friend of ours, Mireille Taub and my sister, Gloria Katz. We have several copies of the book – it is bound beautifully, with great pictures drawn by the children. The children also sent greetings and thanks on the first two pages of the book. It is selling well in Groix, as well as Lorient. They now want to sell it all over France and, maybe, on the rest of the continent. Sylvie San Quirce, the Curator in the museum in Groix, worked very hard with the teachers and the children. The publisher is La Mouette. 5. We are thinking of making a “sister city” of Freeport (where we live in New York) and Groix. The Mayor of Freeport has sent a letter to the Mayor of Groix asking them to enter a “sister-city” arrangement. We would like to exchange students, elected officials, and others with communications between Groix and Freeport . 6. Next May or June, they are having an exhibit of 1944 about the Island, and what happened with the POWs in Brittany. They invited us to come to Brittany and be a part of the dedication to the prisoners We are thinking of going there with our family, and, perhaps, some of our POW comrades and families. The beginning of June, 2008 would be a good time for us. We would also want to visit St. James Cemetery and make prayers for our dead American buddies and, for us, for Gerow Hodges. What do you think? June and Bernie Rader |
From: "Linda Pinson" Subject: William Charles Sanders Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2007 My father, William Charles Sanders, PFC INF. Co M 302nd Inf Regt was inducted on Aug 29, 1944 at Ft McPherson, GA. His battles fought and campaigns were Rhineland, Central Europe. He separated with honorable discharge on 6/29/46, but was in the reserves for 3 years. If anyone has any information on serving with him, please e-mail me. Thanks L S.
Pinson |
From: "Roy" Subject: Herman C. (Carl) Straub Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2007 I am trying to get information about my uncle’s service during the war. His Name is Herman C. (Carl) Straub. He was a Captain and the former commander of Company B, 301st Infantry Regiment, 94th Infantry Division. He was captured at the Battle of Orscholz, Jan. 20, 1945. After the war he returned home to Grand Rapids, Michigan and joined the Michigan Army National Guard. He was killed on his civilian job in 1947. If you have any information, pictures or war stories about my uncle during the war or his service in the National Guard I hope you will share them with me. Thank you in advance |
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2007 From: "Kimberlie Hahn" Subject: George A. Galardo My name is Kimberlie Hahn and my grandfather named George A. Galardo was in Company B 376th Reg. 94th Inf. Div My grandpa died of a heart attack in 1985 and now that I am older I have been trying to find any information about that part of his life. I would love to hear from someone that was in the same Co and Reg or just to hear more information of the events that they went through. Please click
here to email me |
Date: Thu, 05 Jul 2007 Bob Felder, Jr. notified me several months ago they had taken 1st Sgt. Felder's belongings out of Jean's home to sell it and let her move into a smaller place with meals and other services. He wanted to know if we had any place to display Bob's dress uniform and accessories. When I inquired of the Div. Association, I got the reply that David Mitchell, here in Atlanta, was looking for things to put in the serving end of a 40&8 kitchen car he was preserving at the Southeast Railway Museum here in suburban Atlanta. Bob sent the things he had to David and here is what I've just written to Bob to report the current status of the exhibit. "Bob, I went to the museum last weekend. Some things were not as I expected.
1. I understood the car that was being fixed up to represent the 94th was a 40 et 8 car from France (40 men or 8 mules). It is, in fact, a US Army kitchen car that is standard US gauge and was built in WWII to serve troops being transported by rail within the US. 2. I don't think anyone told me, specifically, but it was talked about as a separate exhibit. It is, in fact, one of several cars hooked together, on a track beside the one that is used to take visitors for short rides. It has a Pullman dining car next to it, but there is a note that troops didn't have such a car, but carried their mess kits in and out of the kitchen. It does look funny, to an old soldier, to look from the end of the kitchen car and a long double row of white cloths (the seats are covered with the cloths). I don't know if they actually take that off to serve meals to groups. 3. Nothing about the 94th is on the outside - just an unobtrusive label that it is kitchen car no. 200 (I think). There are a couple of 94th emblems on walls in the end where the exhibit is to go. The half that is kitchen is really spruced up, like brand new. Everything looks to be operational. I asked the three guys who were running the place about exhibits on the inside and they told me David had brought a lot of things out there with intention of mounting them, but they told him they would not last a week. He'd have to get glass cases with locked doors. They can't be responsible for checking everything visitors take in and out. That sounds right to me and I feel sure David is working on that. There is a notice on the interior wall that the car is furnished and maintained by the Mitchell Foundation. I never heard of the place until the 94th Association told me about the kitchen car. Its been there over 30 years. A casual friend died a month ago and his funeral notice listed helping found this museum as one of his worthwhile accomplishments in his 69 years. There is a large butler-type steel building with a nice gift shop in it. It also has a half dozen or more display cases with all sorts of railroad items from dishes and napkins to horns. My 3 year old grandson was with us and he spotted an electric engine about 7 feet long that had been used at a fairground in Birmingham, AL. It has a couple of steps to make it easy for little kids to climb in and play with controls and pretend they are making it go somewhere. There is a large mural on the wall, to make them feel as if they are in a new place. He had been pretty sullen because he didn't see anything that interested him, even the short ride, but this did help and, when his father came home from a business trip two days later, he couldn't wait to tell him he'd been to a 94 train place. There are also, inside this building, full size engines, both diesel and boiler. There is a city transit bus from the 1940's on display. Overall its quite an interesting place that has had practically no advertising. I suspect it is just recently picking up the necessary support to clean up and fix up and make it an attractive place to visit. It is not near any other tourist attraction, though it is on a very busy 4 lane highway on the North side of Norcross, GA and just south of Duluth, GA. Both are popular Atlanta suburbs and my daughter lives in Norcross and son in Duluth. Gene |
From: Chris Feldmann Subject: 94th Infantry Division Trophy Date: Thu, 5 Jul 2007 Hello there I have a trophy that should be traceable but I have no Idea where to start! It is an elaborate cut to clear vase that has been converted into a lamp. World War II 94th Division Champions I received this trophy several years back from a younger lady and she stated they found it in the attic of her late grandparents. This was odd to her because she had no knowledge that either grandparent was even in the military during that timeframe! The vase is amethyst cut to clear approximatly 12 1/2" tall and 6" across. It should have some military history behind this piece. Chris Feldmann (641) 664-1788 |
From: Bryan Habeck click
HERE to email me Subject: Donal J. Habeck Date: Mon, 28 May 2007 Hello, my name is Bryan Habeck. I'm looking for information about my late father, Donald J. Habeck, during his service with the U.S. Army in WWII. He was drafted in 1943 out of Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin, and was in airborne training for a few weeks until he sustained an injury that washed him out of the airborne. When he recovered, he was assigned to Battery C, 301st Field Artillery of the 94th Infantry division then at Camp McCain, Mississippi. He remained with the 301FA for the remainder of his service, through France, Germany, and Czechoslovakia. He was a truck driver and forward observer. He was mustered out late in 1945. I am looking for any details relating to my father's military service, any correspondence, photos, knowledge or memories that any friends or comrades may have. For example, we have a "yearbook" of the 301FA that lists all members of the unit. Next to my father's picture, it has the caption "Two gulp gaver" and "I'll go." I would like to know the story behind those comments. Thanks, |
Date: Sun, 20 May 2007 From: Julie Magruder Subject: Phil Magruder I am looking for anyone that might know my father Phil Magruder. I do not know what his rank was. He was in" I" company and crossed the Saar River about Feb 21, 1945, was in a castle for a couple of days and was wounded Feb 25th after descending the hill from the castle. I would like to know if anyone here knew him. Julie Magruder |
From: "jacquelyn wood" Subject: Fred F Wood Date: Thu, 17 May 2007 My husband Fred Franklin Wood, who passed away on May 5, 2007, was on your mailing list before we moved to Winder, GA last year. His discharge papers show HQ CO 2nd BN 301st Inf but that was not the outfit he fought with. He didn't have enough points to come home after the war and was assigned to this unit. I contacted army records in St. Louis but his records had been destroyed in fire. He had told me about Sinz, Van Holtz Woods, crossing the "river" in the fog, etc. He remembered men called Sinsinger, Raymond Gangway,.. Is there any way you could help me find his fighting unit? His sons and I would be very grateful. His dog tag number was 44 035 351. Sincerely, Jacquelyn Wood click HERE to email me |
Date: Fri, 04 May 2007 From: "Rob Urban" Subject: Elmo Urban 3rd Battalion, 376th I was trying to find out some info on my Dad, Elmo Urban, who passed away in Dec, 1998. I know he came over as a replacement in Jan 1945. I know he was in the 3rd Battalion, 376th, as he always spoke very highly of his battalion commander, LtCol Thurston. All his records, pictures and decorations were stolen in the late 70's while he was working out of the country. As a child I remember looking at these artifact but have no recollection of the specifics. I also know that he was a 30 cal machine gunner, crossed the Saar under fire, was cut-off for a period of time and lost his hearing in a blast that killed his a-gunner. He had no hearing in one ear and could only hear out of the other with a hearing aid. He was from Kansas.
I just recently found this site. Last week I purchased a new book (at least to me) titled "Patton's Pawns- the 94th InDiv at the Sigfried Line" written by a brit after researching Patton and his success in the ETO. I also have a copy of the book "The History of the 94th InDiv" that belonged to Dad. The accounts in both books are exactly as Dad related orally.
His records were apparently destroyed in a fire at the St. Louis repository in 1973, so I am trying to piece together some definitive info about his service for my children. I served as a Marine Corps officer in the 70's. We currently live in Corpus Christi, Texas. As a former Marine, I am still in awe of what you all did, thank God that you did it and will never be able to repay the debt of the sacrifices your generation made (as a Marine I did try). Rob Urban |
Subject: Clarence F. Smelser Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2007 From: "Smelser, Donna" Does anyone remember Clarence F. Smelser who died at the battle of the bulge on Jan 20 1945 at the age of 19. He is my brother-in-law whom I had never met, but would love to know a bit about him. Please click HERE to email me Thank you Donna Smelser |
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2007 From: frank williamson Subject: Pvt Issac H. Mosteller, 376th I am the nephew of Pvt Issac H. Mosteller who entered military service in York County, SC. He was assigned to 376th Inf Regiment, 94th Inf Division. My family has told me that he was a BAR gunner or .30 Cal machine gunner. He died of wounds on 26 Jan 45 and is buried in the Luxembourg American Cemetery. If anyone has information about him or his unit please contact me. Thank you, |
From: "Jim and
Laura Wonacott" Subject: Earl Wonacott Co. F, 376 Inf. Rgt Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2007 My dad was Earl Wonacott (from Toledo, OH), from Co. F, 376 Inf. Rgt., 94th Div. He was wounded in Feb. 1945 north of Sinz, in the Bannholz Woods. Does his name ring a bell to anyone? Thanks Jim Wonacott |
From: "Wayne
Meehan" click
HERE to email me Subject: MEEHAN, IRVING J. Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2007 Hello! I just learned of the 94th website and plan to become an associate member. My father, Irving J. Meehan from Vermont, served 1942-1945, 94th Inf. Div, 301st Infantry Regiment, Company B. He arrived in Europe 14 Jan or 20 Jan 1945 and was wounded 6 Feb or 19 Feb 1945. He was evacuated to France where he was hospitalized for a month and then to England where he was hospitalized 2 more months. He passed away 15 June, 1995. I hope to visit Europe to try to re-trace his route. I have read of the action in the Saar-Moselle Triangle. Anyone with any detailed knowledge of the Company's route in February 1945 until the 19th-and especially the unlikely chance of anyone knowing of my father-would be GREATLY appreciated. |
From: "TIM RANDALL" Subject: chauncey randall served in th 301st Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2007 hello my name is tim randall. my father chauncey randall served in th 301st
in wwii. he was a wireman in cannon company. he won a bronze star. i
would like to find anyone who might have known him. |
From: "Brian
McManus" Subject: Chester J. Obukowicz 301/94/A Company Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2007 If anyone has any information regarding 301st Inf/94th Div, A company,1st platoon, 1st squad or anyone that was captured near Orsholz, Germany on or around January 20th, 1945. please contact me. Particularly interested in the time before the attack on Orsholz (Jan. 6th-Jan. 20th, 1945). Thank You, |
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2007 From: "Marti Griffin" Subject: James (Jim) Griffin Hello. I am looking for any information anyone may have about my dad, James (Jim) Griffin. He was at Fort McCain and I know he was in Germany in January 1945. He was promoted to Captain while there. I know he received a silver star, but, he like many people on the posts at this sight, did not talk to me about what happened during the war. I would appreciate any information about where he was and stories about him. Thank you so much. My name is Marti Griffin and click HERE to email me Marti Griffin |
From: "coon,dell" click
HERE to email me Subject: John Wroblewski Company G, 376th Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2007 Does any one know my father in law, John Wroblewski of Pittsburg? He served with Company G, 376th Regiment. Severly wounded on Feb 19th, 1945 Thanks for any reply. |
Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2007 From: "Chris" click HERE to email me Subject: Invitation to view Chris's album - 1944 1944 Message from Chris: Thanks, |
From: click HERE to email me Subject: Pvt John Pruett Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2007 Looking for anyone who knew my Dad, Pvt John Pruett which served with him.He was in the 94th infantry division , his unit was the 3rd bn. of the 302nd infantry regiment.He and some others in his unit was captured in the battle of the bulge, while they were resting in a cellar.One of the other men with him, last name was Winegar. If anyone out there had served with I would like to know.I had posted a message in 2002 and it has outdated e-mail address. Thank you |
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2007 From: Michael Pappas click HERE to email me Subject: Jacob Kachinsky Hello, my name is Michael Pappas. My grandfather, Jacob Kachinsky was a member of the 94th Infantry Division. I am trying to find anyone who may have known him or served with him in Europe. He was from Athol, Mass. I have some of his ribbons, and his dog tags, my mother has his Purple Heart. I would really like to know more about what he did while in Europe. He never spoke about it at all. He passed away about 18 years ago. He had cancer. I was about 15 years old. I would really like any and all information. Please help. Feel free to e-mail me. Thank you |
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2006 From: Madeline Wollner Click HERE to email me Subject: Charles "Charlie" J. Brannick My Father Charles "Charlie" J.
Brannick was a staff seargent in the 919th field artillery batallion
of the 94th infantry div. in WWII.
He was 32 years old when he served so many referred to him as
an old man. As a young child we looked at the many pictures he had sent
to my
mother. I was wondering if anyone remembers him. Dark hair, great
blue eyes, Irish, a college grad-unusual for the time, very bright
and very
devout Catholic. Charlie's daughter Madeline |
From: "Peter
Main" click
HERE to email me Subject: Liberation Of Solingen Polish DR Camp 31/79 Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2006 Hi I am writing from the UK on behalf of a neighbour whose mother was liberated from Solingen Polish DR Camp 31/79 by the 94th on the 16 April 1945. Her mother, who died some years ago, left in her possessions two pictures of members of the 94th that I have attached. The soldier sitting in the chair, might have had the Christian name Joseph with the possibility that he might have reached the rank of Lieutenant Colonel at same stage.The second picture in the car, might be of a Captain Cecil King.
I woud be grateful for any further information that members of your Association might be able to provide. Yours sincerely Peter Main |
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2006 From: "Tom Ragazzo" Subject: T/5 Felix Witkowicz Hello, Recently I've been doing some research into my grandfather's service in WW2. He was T/5 Felix Witkowicz and after landing at Normandie, he was transfered to the 94th Infantry, 301st, Company C. A few years back I interviewed him (along with my other grandfather, who was artillery in a different division), and I just wanted to share my video with you. It's on YouTube.com here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8dUERtXiaI If anyone remembers serving with my grandfather Felix, I would love to hear from you. click HERE to email me |
From: "Allen
Keller" Subject: Sidney Keller Date: Tue, 26 Dec 2006 My uncle, SIDNEY KELLER, served and fought with the 94th throughout WWII. He passed away this month, and I'd really like to find out his history with the company. Sid was a very colorful character, and I'm sure left some memories somewhere. Please help me pass them on. Allen Keller |
From: "Amanda
Callahan Roach" click
HERE to email me Subject: Paul Joseph Callahan Date: Tue, 26 Dec 2006 My name is Amanda Roach, and I am the granddaughter of the late Sgt. Paul Joseph Callahan. I am looking for information about the places my grandfather was during the war and for any stories there might be. He told me a few things before he died, but he did not like to talk about it much. I am attempting to write my grandfather's story about his life during the war, and I am in need of help with some of the information. Please if you have any information that might help me, I would greatly appreciate whatever information you could give me. Thank you very much. Amanda Roach |
From: "Bill
Thomas" Subject: Everett Earl Thomas 376th Inf Reg.Co."F" Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2006 I'm looking for anyone who may have served with my father during WWII. According to the info I have he was with the 376th Inf Reg.Co."F" I have no platoon info. His name full name was: Everett Earl Thomas he was born in Milford,Il in 1926. If ANYONE has Info please click HERE to email me THANKS TO ALL, Bill Thomas |
From: "Mike
D'Augelli" click
HERE to email me Any one served under C.O. Capt. Silverman during Aug to December l944 , I Mike Daugelli and Custer Laspina from Oakland,California were in basic training then and we were interupted when the Germans made their break through in the Ardennes. Names like Baumgartner, Steve Roper, We are mostly over 80 so time has a way of making us not remember, Here is hoping |
From: "Stuart C. Wilson" Subject: I Company 376th Infantry 94th Division Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2006 Good day. I am
writing in hopes that someone will be able to identify any of the
nine men pictured here with my grandfather Dale.
L. Geouge.
My grandfather served in the 94th, 376th Infantry, I Company.
I don’t
know much about I Company’s travels, history or the role my grandfather
played. After speaking with my uncles I do know that he spoke of the beautiful
landmarks that he saw such as Stuttgart, the Rhine River and Czechoslovakia.
He also once mentioned conducting patrols between Starnberg and Bad Tölz.
As with most veterans he spoke very little of the war but I was
lucky enough to talk with him briefly about Europe a few years
before he
passed in 2001.
If anyone has any information regarding my grandfather or any
of the men in the photo I would be to hear from you. Also, I
this photo
someone else in their search. Thank you to the men and women that served our armed forces in both theaters during World War II. Warmest wishes, S.C. Wilson, SSgt USAF |
From: "Chris
Glass" click
HERE to email me Subject: Mr. Charles Garrosa Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2006 Good afternoon, My name is CDR Chris Glass, USN. As a young boy one of my neighbors, Mr. Charles Garrosa presented me with all of his uniforms, hats, insignia and ribbons ... and an incredible Nazi flag that he brought back from Europe. His uniforms reflect that he was assigned to the 94th, but also has an 8th Armor division patch on the left sleeve. He was a tech corporal, medic as it would appear. I am looking for any information on him from any veterans who may have known him. I remember that he may have received the silver star ... having read a newspaper article 35 years ago (as a kid) but can't remember. He passed away in Florida in the 80's ... and I have no news or information about his service. If would be great to have something of his experience to go with his uniform. Any information on him would be most welcome. Thank you. V/R CDR Chris Glass, USN |
From: "terrell
and julie" Click
HERE to email me Subject: 302 inf. Co F Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2006 I am seeking anyone who may have info about 302 inf. Co F of the 94th. My Dad served in this Unit from Kansas to France where he was wounded. Like I have heard it said by so many others, he talked very little of what he saw, did, or was a part of. His name was Charles E. Tidwell, his nickname was "Chopper" he was a Pfc. I do know he spent some time Kansas, Mississippi, England, Italy and was wounded in France during the push to re-enforce the Bulge. He was inducted into the Army while in the C.C.C. in Utah. He was born and lived most of his life in Macon, GA. |
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2006 From: "Harry Hartshorne" Subject: Does anyone know of any of these English enlistees I am Harry Hartshorne K 301. I enlisted in England in Dec.1944. About two dozen other 'Limeys' enlisted about the same time. We were given a cursory 30 day basic and shipped to the 94th in late January. Does anyone know
of any of these English enlistees other than Steve Pittman, Jack Rule
and Stan Lavery (Now deceased) whom I've contacted. |
From: "Harry
Harper" Click
HERE to emal me Subject: Kennth M. Gildner Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2006 Anyone who served with Kenneth M Gildner going into La Harve please get back to me. Kenneth is my Uncle. Sorry, don't know which Squad he was in. Thank you, Harry R Harper |
From: "Jaffre
Bruno" click
HERE to email me Subject: The 94th liberated the city of Hennebont Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2006 The 94th liberated the city of Hennebont 7th august 1944 that the germans burned. My mother who is 83 old now was in the group of Résistance of Hennebont during the war.We have, at home, a badge of 94th since. May I asked you to search US Veterans? kind regards |
From: Marissa Elise Isgreen click
HERE to email me Subject: My Grandpa, John Hoerber Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2006 I'm looking for stories or info on my grandpa, John Hoerber. It would be great since I not able to see him much considering he lives in Florida and live in Colorado. Thanks a bunch, |
Date: Sat , 29 September 2007 From: Mattie Bird click HERE to email me Subject: CO L 302nd Infantry We recently came into possession of a scrapbook about my Dad, Clifton "Rich" Richard White, Staff Sergeant, 37441397. There are several pictures of Richard and buddies,(unfortunately no names) and landscape pictures of crossing Germany. We know he was in CO L 302nd Infantry Nov 16 1944 (Was a Pfc at that time)as we have a roster (82 names) with that date General Orders Number 68 for award of the Combat Infantryman Badge Signed by Capt. Donald P. Norton, 302nd Infantry, Asst. Adjutant. One of the pictures of Richard shows the 94th arm badge. Also The Attack: part of Tues May 8, 1945 edition, and all of Sun June 24,1945, Sun July 29, 1945. Program from Memorial Day May 30th 1945, Dusseldorf, Germany, the Commendation dated March 5 1945 signed by Harry J. Malony, Major General, program from May 31 1945 Continental Varieties, Victory Service V-E Day May 9, 1945 Dusseldorf program and a 3X5 card that says KEEP THIS CARD, Sleeping Quarters,Room _ B _ __98, on the side are the numbers stamped 186, 157,185. What was this for? Richard was born 1921 and raised in Linden/Redfield, Iowa He died in 1985 (Clifton always went by Richard at home) His records were destroyed in 73 fire. He entered Army Oct. 28, 1942, basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, MO We know that one of his buddies was T/Sgt. Leon Glass at Ft. Leonard Wood, as we have a temporary Membership Card of the NCO Club of Ft L. W. also he mentions him in postcards home, one dated Nov 12 1943 that Glass was leaving and he was "not far behind." Training before going overseas Camp McCain, MS. Departed New York, NY August 1944. Engagements Northern France, Ardennes, Rhineland, Central Europe,(we know that he was in Czech, we have wooden carved plates that were given to him by a family there.) Awarded Anyone remember him or know off him? Dick White |
From: "H. Duboff" Subject: Seeking Leon MARSHALL - Company M / 301st Infantry Regiment Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2006 B"H Hello In February, 2006, I posted a message inquiring about Leon MAILSHANKER. I just discovered that his father (Morris) was using the last name of MARSHALL and resided in Los Angeles, California, as of the 1960s. Perhaps Leon used the last name of MARSHALL as well? I'll recap the information that I had posted previously: He was born in 1916, in Philadelphia, PA. He served in the U.S. Army between May 10, 1941 and August 9, 1945. His rank is Corporal, and was assigned to Company M 301st Infantry Regiment, 94th Infantry Division. He was awarded: He entered in Philadelphia, PA and separated at Camp Upton, NY. The only way I knew about him in the first place was through a search of public records--I was able to "link" documents that show that Mr. Mailshanker (I hope he is still alive) is my first cousin, twice removed. Thank you very much, |
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