2006 Messages |
From: CONKW@aol.com Hello just found your web page on the internet. My father was in the 94th
infdiv and also in the 301st inf. Does this information you have is it
about the infantry in general or is it about some of the men. I would
like to find out more about my father. His name was Jack L Bonnichsen
He went in Dec 1942 and was discharged in Dec 1945. His sister that is
the only living relative left will not tell me much at all. So before
I order this I was interested in knowing what might be on the tape. All
I do know about him is that he was at the Battle of the Bulge and was
walking behind the tank that Gen. Patton was riding on. |
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 Dear Veteran, I am searching for information on my Granfather, Donald Felver. He was attached to the 301st, Company K, and was killed February 24, 1945 in Serrig, Germany. Please forward any information you may have regvarding the 301 and the Serrig, Germany operation. Sincerely, Gary Felver |
From: "Peter
Kiefer" Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2006 Subject: Translation of “Part Four” of the book “History of the 94th Infantry Division in World War II” into the German language. ISBN: 0-89839-064-8 Peter Kiefer June 20.2006 St. Gangolfstrasse 10 66706 Perl Germany Background: During a 10-week visit of Richmond VA in 1988, I discovered in a library the above mentioned book. After having opened it, the first word that stuck to my eyes, was the name of my home village in Germany; “Borg”. I bought the book and read fascinated the story of the 94th Division, as they fought against the Germans in the villages of my homeland (Saar-Mosel triangle, in the “Siegfried Switch Line”), to free our nation from the terror of the Nazi-Regime. The inhabitants of the villages in the region had been evacuated to other areas at that time, therefore not much is known about the details on the terrible battles that went on in our region. When they came back, they found there villages totally destroyed and the farm land mined. I was a 6 years old child, when I saw the first American tanks entering and capturing my village on 19. November 1944. Now having retired after working for the DuPont de Nemours Company in Luxembourg for 38 years, I found the time to translate the part of the book, dealing with the war in my home area into the German language. This part of the book, combined with personal stories of civilians and German soldiers, provide an excellent documentation of this episode of WWII, for the benefit of future generations. As the 94th Infantry Division only came to the area in January 1945, the documentation also includes many internet reports and stories from the 90th Infantry Division and the 10th Armoured Division and others, which were fighting in my home area since beginning of November 1944. Now my question and appeal to you dear Ladies and Gentlemen. Concerning the copy right, I am not sure, what the requirements are. Facts are:
I would appreciate very much, if you could help me and give me your opinion on this matter, and let me know what the requirements would be! Thank you very much, Peter Kiefer |
From: "Lee Pelletier" click
here to email me Subject: Armand Pelletier Date: Mon, 29 May 2006 Thank you to all who served in the Third Army, 94th Infantry division. My dad was with you when you liberated Buchenwald. Like so many of you, it was difficult to get dad to talk about his experiences during the war. If there is anyone who remembers my dad from the war, I would so appreciate hearing from you. Watching the History Channel just increases my hunger to know more about dad s experiences. He was from Lynn, Massachusetts and I believe he shipped out of Fort Devans, Mass. Words cannot express my appreciation for all who served and saved the world from your generation s tyrant. Thank you in advance for your help and information. Positively yours, Lee Pelletier |
From: "Peter Kiefer" click
here to email me Subject: Letter to veterans WW II Date: Tue, 16 May 2006 I have translated Part 4 of the book, History of the 94th Infantry Division in World War II” into the German language. This part of the book deals with capturing the Saar – Mosel Triangle, a section of the “Siegfried Line Switch” also called “The Orscholz Riegel” and involving the villages Nennig, Wies, Berg, Wochern, Sinz, Tettingen, Butzdorf, Borg, Oberleuken, Tünsdorf and Orscholz. The time period when the battles for these villages went on, was between beginning of November 1944 and end of February 1945. I had still been a child at that time, but I remember well when the first American soldiers and tanks came to my village Borg, on November 19th 1944 and occupied it. The first combat teams coming to Borg were probably from the 90th Infantry Division (358th Infantry), the 3rd Armoured Cavalry Group and the 10th Armoured Tank Division. Because of the severe fighting that was expected in order to take the Siegfried Line Switch, the American Head Quarter ordered the evacuation of the civilian population to other towns behind the front line. Because of that, not much is known today of the terrible fighting that went on during the following months. When the inhabitants of the villages came back home from evacuation in March 1945, they found there villages totally destroyed and the roads and farmland mined. Beside little information in reports from the German Wehrmacht (from there sight of view), not much is known of what was really going on at this phase of the war. I have found some useful information in the American internet from people that took part during the combats around the Orscholz Riegel. I would be very glad and thankful to find more personal stories and reports from that period. Maybe there is someone out there who can help me. I am collecting all this information for the benefit of letting the present and future generations know what cruel and terrible fights were carried out to free there homeland from the terror of nationalism. Please, if you have reports, pictures or personal experience, or know someone who has, send them to me.
Many thanks Peter Kiefer |
From: "James
Heck" Subject: men of "C" Company, 302nd Regiment Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 I recently compiled this list of names from
a German (Nazi) banner that was given by the men of "C" Company, 302nd Regiment, 94th Infantry
Division to my mother during World War II. Over 90 men from "C" Company
signed the banner along with other comments. Staff Sergeant Alfred
J. Dreyer was a good friend of my mother. I would like to get in touch
any of
the men still around so I can give them a print of this banner. If
anyone knows if and where any of the following soldiers or their families
be found, please let me know. |
John & Kathy
Polivka click
here to email me
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 Subject: 2nd Lieutenant Leo P. Philbin
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 21:36:22 -0400 From: "Eric Barlow" click here to email me Subject: Rufus A. Stamey
From: Robert Coultrip Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 Subject: Frank S. Romero
Thank you! |
From: Erik Sweet Subject: John Benjamin Sweet Jr. Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 My name is Erik J. Sweet, and I am looking for information about my grandfather. John Benjamin Sweet Jr. He was with the 94th Inf Div. I do not know a unit or regiment, but have some of his ribbons, purple heart, I believe a bronze star, and unit crests. He was wounded in the Ardennes, and was sent to UK, and then home from there. I have a few pictures of him with buddies in St Moritz, and while he was sent to the Univ of Mississippi prior to shipping out for Europe, we was at Ole Miss in 1943. He has since passed, but any information that someone may have or remember would be great. Feel free to contact me at sweetpartyof5@comcast.net
Erik J. Sweet |
From: "WKW" Subject: PVT Francis "Joe" Weitz (Co. I, 301st Inf) Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006
From: "David
Loertscher" Subject: SGT Kienzle Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 Looking for information about SGT Kienzle, 302nd Infantry of the 94th Division, 1st HQ Company. Vic Loertscher |
From: "Ilan
Braun" click
here to email me Subject: Preparing my book on American troops in western France (Brittany) Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006
I have a list of names but still not sure where they have been? For example a Jewish guy told me about a Jewish service (Rosh Hasahana/New Year or Yom Kippur) in September 1944. Who was the officiating Chaplain? Names of other (all faiths) Chaplains and places in Brittany (from August '44 to May '45) would be so helpful. Stories, anecdotes or descriptions concerning religious (all faiths) services would be greatly appreciated! Please contact me! Alain Ilan BRAUN |
Subject: Ronald Marvin Pollock Date: Sun, 2 Apr 2006 From: "Santos, Brian V TSgt 435 MDSS/SGSI" click here to email me
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 From: Cynthia Cremeans click here to email me Subject: Richard (Dick) Adams My name is Cindy Cremeans and I am searching for any information on my dad Richard (Dick) Adams who served with the 94th Infantry division. I know he was in the Battle of the Bulge and he was in a reconn unit. He died on February 6th, 1977 at the age of 56. He was from Columbus, Ohio. I would love to talk to anyone who served with him or has any information about him. Thank you. |
From: "troy wiseman" click
here to email me Subject: Marion Wiseman Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 My grand fathers name is Marion Wiseman. He was a machine gunner in the 94th. I'm not sure of the dates but I know he was there after the bulge and into checkoslavakia at the end of the war. He always talks about an american indian named White Hawk, who was his asst. gunner. White Hawk was from Oklahoma. I know he was in the battles of the Rhineland and Central Europe. Any information on his buddy White Hawk or anyone else he might have served with would be appreciated. |
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 From: Angelica Vandette click here to email me Subject: Tom Van Dette
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 I am trying to find out information about my grandfather Willie Green Clark
.I do know that he was in belgium and denmark area during WWII. He was
in troop that serviced and destroyed railway tracks so that incoming
supplies could make it to camps. I am looking for information for my
children. No one in my family seems to know much about his service time
as all of older family members have passed away. Grandpa also had brother
in with him that was shot in back while exiting a bar somewhere overseas.
Any information would be helpful S Powell |
From: "Adam Townsend" click
here to email me Subject: first hand accounts from veterans Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2006
From: "Vicky
Finlay" Subject: J3 piper cub Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2006
From: "Irwin
Roberts" click
here to email me Subject: history for Co M 301 Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2006 I am looking for history
for Co M 301st Inf Reg 94th inf div. for 1944-45. |
From: "Cressida
Fforde" click
here to email me Subject: Looking for 94th Infantry Division 2WW wounded who were treated at the 122nd or 107th Hospitals in Kington, Herefordshire, UK Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 Can you assist? As part of a community history project we are gathering information about the 122nd and 107th US General Hospitals that were sited outside Kington, Herefordshire, UK in 1944 and 1945. We are recording local oral history about these hospitals in wartime and would also like to contact any veterans who were treated here. Preliminary research shows that the hospitals treated over 8,000 US soldiers wounded in Europe, and many at the Battle of the Bulge. We would be very grateful to hear from anyone who has memories or information about these hospitals. We can be contacted on info@kingtoncamp.co.uk, and there is more information at our website www.kingtoncamp.co.uk. Many thanks. Cressida |
Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2006 From: Joyce De Mattei click here to email me Subject: Charles Naggi My father, Charles (Charlie) Naggi served in the 94th Infantry Division in the US Army in World War II. He passed on in 2005. He served in the 94th in England in 1944 and in France in 1945. He fought in the Battle of the Bulge. He lived in Crockett, CA. I would appreciate any information about my father during world war II. Thank you. Joyce De Mattei |
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 From: Chris Montowski click here to email me Subject: Stanley Montowski Anyone who knew Stanley Montowski, discharges as a T/Sgt, Company C, 376th Infantry Division please let me know. Thank you Chris Montowski |
Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 |
Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2006
From: Jim Doyle Subject: Nicholas L Doyle I am seeking information concerning my father Nicholas L Doyle he was a Sgt. in an anti-tank unit in the 94th Infantry Div. Anecdotes or any info would be appreciated. click here to email me |
From: "James
Heck" click
here to email me
Subject: Alfred J. Dreyer Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2006 I am trying to locate Alfred J. Dreyer. He was a Staff Sergeant in "C" Company, 302 Regiment, 94th Infantry Division during World War 2. At that time, he was from New York City. Does anyone know if he is still alive, and if so, where he can be found? If not, are there any other members of "C" Company that I could contact? He (Al Dreyer) was a good friend of my mother's (maiden name "Teresa Plonska"). He had given my mother a Nazi flag that his Company had captured during the war. All or most of the men in "C" Company signed the flag along with other comments. My mother passed away in 1983 and left this flag to me. It is still in near perfect condition and you can still read every name on it. I know I have waited a long time to try to make this contact, but my wife and I visited the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in DC two weeks ago and it made me realize how significant and important this might be for Mr. Dreyer, his family or any of the other soldiers in his Company. Does "C" Company ever have any reunions? I am thinking about having the flag scanned so I can make prints of it to give to any of the surviving men of "C" Company that signed it. Thanks, |
From: "Carrell
Killebrew" click
here to email me Subject: J Rogers Dupre, K/376th Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2006 My uncle (still alive) is J Rogers Dupre’, T/Sgt, K/376th. He talks only sparingly of his experiences but sometimes mentions he was in a big fight around Nennig. If anyone remembers my uncle, I’d appreciate hearing from you. Carrell Killebrew |
From: "Steve
Slaton" click
here to email me Subject: Stephen S. Slaton Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2006 My father, Stephen S. Slaton was seriously wounded on March 5, 1945 while serving with the 301st. He passed away on February 1, 2006. If anyone has any information regarding him, I would be deeply appreciative. He was shot on Hocker Hill in the Saarburg area. |
From: H.
Duboff Subject: Leon MAILSHANKER Date: Sat, 11 Feb 2006 B"H Hello Would you please help me find my first cousin (twice removed) whom I never even knew existed until recently? His name is Leon MAILSHANKER. He was born in 1916, in Philadelphia, PA. He was awarded: He entered in Philadelphia, PA and separated at Camp Upton, NY. The only way I knew about him in the first place was through a search of public records--I was able to "link" documents that show that Mr. Mailshanker (I hope he is still alive) is my first cousin, twice removed. Thank you very much, |
From: "Chad
Timmerman" click
here to email me
Subject: Does anyone remember a Vince Vicarie? Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 Hello, my name is Chad, I'm mainly writing for 2 reasons....
I thought that was kinda neat, and it's the least that any of you
vets deserve. |
From:George Hunter click
here to email me Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2006 Subject: Brittany France where the 94th Division I am in contact with a Frenchman from Brittany France where the 94th Division was stationed for a time during World War II. He is doing a history of the area during World War II and would appreciate any pictures or stories about the area. I am inquiring to see if there is any interest. Thanks. George Hunter, formerly of the 66th Infantry. |
From: click
here to email me Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 Subject: Roger Jarrett Harris I was wondering if anyone has information or knew my grandfather, Roger Jarrett Harris. He served in the 94th Division as a medic. I do not know his company or even his rank. He was awarded the Bronze Star at the Battle of the Bulge - something he was very proud of and was buried with. He passed away August 31 1990. He was from Poplar Bluff Missouri. |
From: "Mike
Higginbotham" Subject: Robert A. Higginbotham Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 My father, Robert A. Higginbotham served with the 94th. He was in the 376th Regiment 3rd Battalion Company K, and I think maybe 1st Platoon. His Platoon leader was Thomas A. Daly, who later led K Company. My father was wounded 19 Feb just outside Nenning. If anyone remembers him, please contact me. If anyone has photos I would greatly appreciate it. Please click here to email me Thanks,
Mike Higginbotham |
From: "Mark
Bianchi" Subject: Jiulio J Bianchi Date: Mon, 2 Jan 2006 My father was Jiulio J Bianchi, also known as Red Bianchi. All I know is that he was in the A/376. He passed away May of 2002 and I would like to gather any information that anyone would have about him. My father did not discuss his time in the service with his two children. My brother also passed away so I am at a loss of any information regarding his time in the service. I am very proud of my father’s service in the 94th as I am with all members of the armed forces during WWII. I do remember attending reunions with my family in Pittsburg and St. Louis many many years ago.
Please email any information to markcmf@choiceonemail.com.
Thank you.
Mark Bianchi 13597 Cricket Close Roscoe, IL 61073 |
From: "George
Edgington" click
here to email me Subject: Edgington Date: Sun, 1 Jan 2006 I have been trying to confirm the unit my father was assigned to or any information about the unit.. His discharge papers stated that he earned the EIB on 12 May 1944 while assigned to the 256th HQ, 94th Division. It then stated that he was given the CIB on 10 Nov 1944 while assigned with the 22nd HQ, 94th Division. I'm not sure if these units really were part of the 94th Infantry Division and I would like to know if so, what battalion was he a part of, I think my dad stated once that he was in the 3rd Battalion, 376th Infantry.
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