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Official Publication of the
301st Infantry Association
Write to the Editor for further information and subscription.
Bob Cassel  407 Heritage Road, Sewell NJ 08080
The 94th Infantry Division Association
Commemorative History Volume II

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"94th Infantry Division Commemorative History" Vol II"
Please enter my order for            copies at $45 each (Include $2.75 for shipping) 



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Mail this form, your check; or money order made out to 
94th Infantry Division Association
c/o  R.U. Cassel
407 Heritage Road
Sewell NJ 08080

Available for $47.75
Mail Check to
R.U. Cassel
407 Heritage Road
Sewell NJ 08080
Personal experiences and biographies of the Infantry Division
That led Patton's 3rd and 7th Army
To the Rhine River in March 1945

Last Update 16 May 2006

If anyone has information
please contact person direct by Email or Phone
if available
John Clyburn, Secretary

click HERE to email us

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