Book by Ms. Patricia Ankney pays high and unusual tribute to her 94th'er cousin, and In so doing, to ALL the 94th Division, too.
The book described In the last Issue of The ATTACK by Ms. Patricia Ankney of Essexville, Michigan, about her cousin, Pfc. Bob V. Speiser (M/302) may turn out to be one of the most unique books about WW II.
Bob, whose name Is on our Peace Monument on the Siegfried "Switch" Line, was killed on March 6, at Lampaden, Germany was one of the ASTP men who Joined the division at McCain, and as fine a young American Soldier as ever lived. Just a week before he was killed he had received word that his baby daughter had been born back home In Findlay, Ohio.
Ms. Ankney's book Is emerging as something truly unique, and to our knowledge nothing like It has been published before. It not only tells the story a tribute to him, but It's a tribute to the thousands upon him --- a man of the ranks. Most WW II literature describes the generals and admirals, or the great battles.
But this one---entitled "The Colors of His Life," is about the great, everyday GI who did his job and did It well --- the man of the Combat Infantryman Badge, the men who in the last analysis REALLY won "the greatest war ever fought."
The book will be of 200 pages, Including pictures, and some of the great art of Bill Foley (you may recall seeing at the Albuquerque Reunion). But that's not all --- Included with the book Is a Compact Disc recording of certain things that fit beautifully, both musically and with narration's. This Is a recent development In publishing, and adds to the special uniqueness of It all.
And any profit, that is, any Income over the cost of publishing, will be donated to the large World War II Memorial that is to be built on the The Mall In Washington, DC and the donation will be In honor and In memory of the 94th Division.
To repeat--- It may be one of the most unusual books about WW II, and It Is really another story about our great 94th. Details for ordering the book are available now. Please keep In mind that this is one more fine literary tribute to the 94th Division.
A thousand copies have
been printed and will be available for shipping
the first week of May,
To Order
"The Colors of His Life"
Patricia Ankney
1831 N. Carol Drive
Essexville, MI 48732
Update 13 March 2000
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