94th Infantry Division Historical Society
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MUST FORWARD THE $15 Annual ATTACK Fee by August 1st
Payable: 94th ID Historical Society
Mail to: John Clyburn, 136 Hippocrates Way, Burlington, NJ 08016 Phone 609-699-6280
Forward copies and photos to:
Fred Higgins, 1736 Pilgrim Street, Akron, OH 44305
or E-mail: FredRHiggins@gmail.com
Phone: 1-330-608-2588
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LIFE MEMBERS of the 94th Inf. Div. Assn., 94th Alliance and 94th Ladies Auxiliary are now
Upgrade to LIFE MEMBERSHIP for $50
Payable: 94th ID Historical Society
Mail to: John Clyburn, 136 Hippocrates Way, Burlington, NJ 08016 Phone 609-699-6280 |
Subject: Roy Ackerman Good afternoon, My name is Jordan Conaway. I am a Sergeant in the United States Marine Corps and am trying to obtain as much information as I possibly can on my grandfather, Roy Ackerman. I have found some info on him through the Luxembourg Cemetery site. I have his service #, Unit he served with, his burial plot and his death date. I am trying to find out if there is any way to find out which company or platoon he served with. The reason he was crossing the road he got shot on in Sinz Germany and just really any information I can on him. If you think you would be able to help or know someone I could contact that would please get to me. Thank you for your time, have an excellent day. R/S |
From: "Linda Pinson" <linda.pinson@landstar-rb.com> I am trying to learn about my dad’s service during World War II. My father never ever spoke of his service as I am sure as a young 18 years old it was very traumatic for him. His name was Pfc. William Charles Sanders and I do have his service records. He served in the 94th. I have the letter of commendation that was sent for the service and capture of the Trier. He served under Maj Gen Harry J. Malony and LT Gen Walton H Walker. I have some photos, post cards, and I do have a book on the 94th Division. Is there a group that can be joined as a family member of a veteran where I might be able to learn more about this division and possibly my father? I would appreciate any information that you might be able to send me. I one day hope to visit some of the places that my dad fought especially the site that resulted in the letter of commendation the soldiers received. Also, I am planning a trip to Washington DC with my 12 year old grandson and would like to know what would enhance my understanding of this division….museums, memorials, etc. Linda Sanders-Pinson |
From: "Tony Leo" I have information of how he was killed. My name is Tony Leo and my email address is mydogs23@comcast.net |
From: <kokopelli@talktalk.net> My father was a signaller with the above unit and I'd like to find out more about his service and/or details of what signallers typically did. His name was Paul Vaughn Hodges from Knoxville, Tennessee. |
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 My dad, James P. LeBloch, grew up in Chicago. He was in the Third Army, 94th Division, 302nd Infantry under General Patton. He was awarded four battle stars and a Purple Heart. His 100th birthday is December 24, 2013, and I would like to celebrate it in a special way, although my dad is a very humble and proud veteran. He is still sharp and lives in an assisted living facility enjoying the daily activities. I would think there are very few 100 or older veterans still around. If you can help me or direct this e-mail to the proper people, I would appreciate it. Thank you, Jim's daughter |
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 Hello |
Subject: Carter Stoltz, 301 Reg Dog Co. 3 Hi my name is Carter Stoltz. Name sake of my uncle Carter Brown C.B. Moore. If anyone has any information on Dog Co. 3 please send me some info. He was a mortar man short and skinny from TN. He's 89 and his memory is fading but he still refuses to talk about Orsholz. Other, than he ran out under fire to milk a cow that had a bag that was close to bursting. Any info or anyone that knew him would be great to know. God bless and thang thank you 94th. PFC Stoltz. |
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 |
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 I am looking for any information on Anthony Leo who served in the 302 infantry 94 Infantry Division. I think the dates were 1942 to 1946. I know he was in Germany. |
I just found this photo of my uncle in uniform - with his 94 patch in view. It has been lost in family papers since WWII. I am sending the original to him, and I would love it if you would include on your web page where he can see it. He just turned 88 years old and is a veteran of Battle of the Bulge, etc. Thanks!
From: "Laura Murnane" <lmurnane77@gmail.com>
Prior to arriving in Europe, he spent time at Camp Shanks and crossed the Atlantic on the Queen Elizabeth. He first stopped in Scotland, later England and then to Utah Beach. He was with the 94th Infantry Division at Lorient and St Nazaire. After the Battle of the Bulge started, he was pulled into Patton’s 3rd Army during which time he was sent to the Western Front. He crossed the Rhine into Dusseldorf and later after the war, Czechoslovakia. He received four battle stars for Northern France, Central Europe, The Ardennes and Rhineland. He survived but later passed away in 1970. I would be very interested to hear from anyone who may have known him. My email address is lmurnane77@gmail.com. Thank you so much for your time. Laura |
Date: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 |
From: Joseph <jhpb@cox.net> |
Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 Hello, Does anyone have the photo taken of Co. L 302nd INF in 1944. Part of it is on John and Lynn Potocki's Co. L site that is linked to this one but it doesn't seem like it's active anymore. I'm looking for a picture of S/Sgt Henry Boyajy for his sister. He was wounded in Kesslingen when he stepped on a mine on Feb. 20, 1945 and died four days later on the 24th. My email- 4bko@optonline.net Thank You! |
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2013
I found some additional information that may help someone to remember him and give me some indication why he was so upset for so many years. He once told me that he was transported overseas to England aboard the Queen Mary which I understand was converted as a troop transport. He then was taken by train to a naval base where he boarded a naval vessel(name unknown) for the French coast. I have pictures of him and his unit in Paris. He also told me that he carried a tripod type machine gun and was in heavy action, in France and Germany. He told me that one of the reasons he had such nightmares was that he and his partner were running for a foxhole under heavy bombardment when he jumped into the hole with his gun only to turn over on his back and see his partner that carried the ammo for his machine gun, be blown apart by a mortar shell. He also told me that he had the honor of seeing General Patton up close and personal when Patton passed through his checkpoint while he was on guard duty. I have pictures of him and his buddies in Nuremberg, standing outside of the building that the trials where held and a identification card with his picture that indicated that he was a guard in Nuremberg. He swore that he never killed anyone during his time of service but it's my opinion that you can't carry such a deadly weapon and not hit anything. I have in my possession his bronze star, purple heart, and battle ribbons and a sharp shooters badge and a 94th patch that he wore on his uniform. If anyone can fill in some of the blanks, I would greatly appreciate it as I would like to write a short story about his service for future generation of our family. Anyone can contact me at sdh40254@gmail.com or 407-622-9481. I will try to include a picture of my dad and his unit to make it easier for someone to recognize him. ![]() |
Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 The reason I am writing to you is this, I am looking for the long photo of Co. L taken in Camp McCain probably in 1944. I've only seen a piece of the photo on John Potocki's site linked to yours. I'm not sure if it is active anymore, the last update being in 2007. I did attempt to reach out to him but I haven't heard anything yet. My mother-in-law is turning 90 in a few weeks and I would love to be able to show her a photo of Henry. I appreciate you taking the time to read this. |
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2013 I was just hoping to find any information about him and his time and service during the war. As far as I know he was there from Normandy to the end, he was apart of the 301st infantry division 94th regiment company K. He was a staff Sargent. unfortunately that is all the information that I know. Again any information would be helpful. Thankyou |
Date: Wed, 29 May 2013 Does anyone know anything about a Dale Randolf Booth SER/301? Any information would be greatly appreciated. If you have any references to this Soldier, please email it to johnhubertesq@gmail.com. Respectfully, LTC John T. Hubert USAR |
From: Angelia Nystrom <angelia.nystrom@yahoo.com> Hello, Friends! I stumbled across your website quite by accident this Memorial Day weekend. I want to humbly thank you for your service and also want you to know that your loved ones and you are remembered on this Memorial Day (and every one before it). My grandfather, Thomas Spencer Morie of Dandridge, TN, was a member of the 94th, 376th Regiment. He was Killed in Action(KIA) on February 20, 1945. He was survived by a wife (who never remarried and loved him until the day she died) and two children (including my father who was his spitting image and who died in 2001 at the age of 59). If any of you served with him and could share any memories you have with me, it would be most appreciated. My email is angelia.nystrom@yahoo.com. Many thanks, Angelia Morie Nystrom |
From: Trevor Kirkpatrick <Kirkite@comcast.net> Hello, looking for info on relative KIA on March 17, 1945. August R. Schenzinger. Listed with 376th Inf. Regiment and listed on casualty list. Interested on finding out what happened to him and where the unit was in Germany that day. Thanks Trevor Kirkpatrick |
Subject: Ottis "Pete" Branham receiving P.O.W. Medal 4/27/2012
I thought you all might like this, Thank you Lisa Branham-Abke
From: "Roy Speake" <rspeake48@gmail.com> Whilst I am not a veteran of the 1944-45 European campaign my Dad is. He was a lance fusilier in the Royal Welch Fusiliers 6th Battalion part of the 53rd Welsh Division. They ended their war in Hamburg and just at a point when they were going in to clear the Nazi’s out the ceasefire was announced. They then transferred to Düsseldorf where, bizarrely in the spring of 1946 he was seriously wounded in a live firing exercise. This put paid to his intended army career. He became an accountant. He always recalls, ‘The 94 Club’ as a good watering hole and band venue. He told me recently that the battalion insignia changed to ‘94’ when they arrived in Düsseldorf. Is the use of the ‘94’ insignia and the fact that there was a ‘94 Club’ a coincidence or did the 6th Btn. RWF inherit that which the lads of your regiment set up and then left behind? Are there any of your WW2 vets. that might have a memory of that era? The reason that this has come up is because I am just putting on the road a restored 1943 BSA 500cc dispatch riders motorcycle and want to give Dad a surprise with the insignia etc. that I am putting on it and it would be good to include the ‘94’. What do you think? With best regards Roy Speake. Eastbourne, East Sussex. England. |
From: "Laura Murnane" <lmurnane77@gmail.com> Hello Everyone,
He was in the 94th infantry division, (and I believe the 301st infantry regiment). He was a Staff Sgt and later became a Master Sgt. He was among those placed in Patton’s 3rd Army and fought in the battle of Northern France, Central Europe, The Bulge and The Rhine. He survived but later passed away in 1970. I would be very interested to hear from anyone who may have known him.
Thank you so much for your time. |
From: Peter Federman Hi all, I am looking for any information on my great-uncle, Arthur G. Raffel. He grew up in the Bronx, and was in the 94th Div, 376th Reg. He received the Silver Star (I believe posthumously) and attained the rank of Sergeant. Any information (company, etc.) or anything at all regarding his service, memories, etc would be so greatly appreciated. If the name rings a bell, please email me at peter.stanley.federman@gmail.com Thank you!! |
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2013 My dad, Chester Kenimer, was in the 94th. Any oldtimers out there remember anything about him? He is 95 now and has a great mind and is still living at home with his wife, 92. Anything information would be great to pass on to him. |
Commendation 1945
From: Kim Guilliams <guilliams5@hotmail.com> Hello, Recently I was offered a booklet about the 60 mm mortar. The most interresting part about it was the fact that it was signed. |
From: Reg Rider I am doing research for a friend on a cousin, PFC Juan Romero, who was in the 301st Infantry Regiment and we believe C Company. He was KIA on February 19, 1945 by a land mine. We would like to know more details of his death such as location, time and any other circumstances. Other details of his service are also welcome. Reg Rider, Brig Gen, USAF ret |
From: Adam Cannon acannon@furmanite.com I am doing research on my late grandfather Hubert W. Cannon , his Honorable Discharge papers state that he was in Company B. 302d Infantry. This is all I know and I was looking for any help in finding any more information on him and his service records, pictures, etc…. I would greatly appreciate any help that I could get with this. |
From: Frank11m@aol.com |
From: "C + J Lohbeck"cj.lohbeck@vodafone.de Dear Sirs,
I am also a book author, last year I wrote a book which broaches the issue of a german decoy site at my hometown. This decoy site was installed 1941 – 1945 to deviate the allied bombers from the Krupp Factory at Essen. Now a am working on my second book, which broaches the end of WWII at my hometown. Concerning this issue I would like to ask you the following question, may be you can help me ………. ? The 94th Infantry Division took over the military administration (I hope this is the correct word ….) of Düsseldorf about the end of April 1945. This is a fact we know in our historiography. What we do not know – but would like to know – are the names and numbers of the american military units which captured the Düsseldorf area and also the towns Velbert and Langenberg. This happened on 16th April, 1945, at the final stage of the Ruhr Pocket. My belief is that someone of the 94th Infantry Division may know which units in the Düsseldorf area where replaced by the 94th Infantry Division at end of April 1945? If I would know this, I would like to contact someone of them and to ask some details or maybe even to see some pictures. Also the official town archivist of Velbert is very interested in this issue. I would appreciate your answer very much! Best regards from Velbert ( Langenberg ) in Germany Jürgen Lohbeck |
From: "Iva a Eugen Stein" <i-e-stein@seznam.cz> Dear Sirs,
In 1945 94th Infantry Division of US Army served in Cesky Krumlov after liberation of Czechoslovakia and the Synagogue was used as a prayer room for the soldier. Paintings with signs of 94 Infantry division are still preserved on the wall of the entrance room as you can see in the enclosed attachment. I would like to ask you for help in finding any documents especially photos of that time and place. Photos of the soldiers with the synagogue in Cesky Krumlov would be very appreciated. I would also like to ask you for the contact to chaplain who accompanied the soldiers to the prayer room in Cesky Krumlov in 1945, if possible. Thank you in advance for yor help. Best regards Iva Steinova Matana a.s. |
From: Pierre POUSSIN Hello, I told you, I think, that I had been pressed into service (and glad to be!) to find tracks of four American soldiers and their families, members too of the 94th USID. They had been assigned to an observation post, on the small island of HOUAT, off the coast of QUIBERON, from August 1944 to December 1944. On the 14th of December, they were attacked by a German commando aboard some armed fishing boats and a MT boat. The quater master sergeant was wounded: his name: Orval L LOVE, and the three soldiers were captured by the Germans: Jesse JONES, Alfred WINKLER and Danny BROSMAN. These names were given by Harrry HELMS Junior in 1996. The islanders and an association of QUIBERON would like to pay a tribute to these men, and do what we did in ETEL. So the are in need of knowing what happened to them after their capture, their unit, and the addresses of the families to ask for photographs that coul be used on a memorial plaque. -- |
Subject: My Uncle PFC Seymour Schwartz February 26, 2013
My Uncle was killed on February 9, 1945 in Germany when he went to save a wounded comrade and stepped on a mine. He received a Purple Heart and we have a personal letter of condolence signed by General George S. Patton. He also won a Silver Star. I now have in my possession nearly 200 letters written by my uncle --from June 1944 to early February, 1945 --just days before he was killed. As I explained to you, I am a journalist and a book author (Boardwalk Stories, Illegal Living), and I am interested in writing a book about my uncle--contrasting the letters with their stories of catching and cooking chickens, window shopping in small towns, living in French Chateaus, poker playing and movie watching --with the real details of the war faced by the 94th. My working title for the book is: What War? World War 2 Letters Home. I know that there is going to be a reunion of the 94th in New Orleans in June and I would be very grateful if you could help me post a note and/or get in contact with any survivors who might have known my uncle and also with any other soldiers and medics whose experience would prove interesting to include in the book. If need be, I will come down to New Orleans. I am attaching a photo of my uncle, a very handsome young man who was a distinguished athlete and a fine scholar, too. Sincerely, |
Anyone with info or pictures please e mail me kristinroca@aol.com or call me at 916-375-0549 His wife Johanna "Tootsie" Gaffney is still living but is not much help in recalling information. Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance. |
From: "Marsh, David R CIV (US)" <david.r.marsh.civ@mail.mil> My dad (Roland O. Marsh) was with the 301st, 94th Infantry division. |
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2013 Sgt Earl H. Triplett I/376 My grandfather Earl Triplett passed away a couple of years ago and I’m curious to know if anyone has any information about what he did during the war or if anyone might by chance have a picture with him in it. He refrained from talking about the war, and if he did, he was very vague. Any information would be appreciated. All I really know is that he received the silver star, two purple hearts, and fought in the battle of the bulge where I assume he was wounded. Thanks in advance for any information you may be able to provide. Best Regards, Taylor Mitchell |
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2013 I had the honor to participate in the 94th Milwaukee Reunion years ago. My Father ( Simon Sindric E-302 ) was in the early stages of failing health. Not too long after that Reunion he passed away. I need help from those of you in E-302 who were close to him. I am writing a bit about Him, the 94th, and the Normandy landing. I need to know some details like: which beach did He land on ( grid co-ordinates would be helpful ) |
From: Monica Pappas-Napier Subject: George Pappas Date: Sun, 28 January 20, 2013 Hello, My dad, George Pappas, was in the 94th Infantry. He was in the Army between December, 1942 and February, 1946. He was in Europe but I'm not sure exactly when. My dad passed away in September 15, 2009, never having spoken much about his time in the service. I'm hoping that someone can provide some history regarding my dad. He had an American Service Medal, an European African Middle Eastern Service Medal, a Good Conduct Medal, and a WWII Victory Medal. Thanks, Monica Pappas-Napier mmpnapier@yahoo.com |
From: "Mike & Marie D'Augelli" Would like to contact anyone who came over on the Il-DeFrance January 1945. Landed in Glasgow and trained down to Southampton then across on LST to Le Havre and 40 & 8 to Metz Reppo Deppo where the 94th picked us up and where assigned to F/376. Survived Banholz woods. Moselle crossing,Rhine River,Wuppertal and Czechoslovakia. E-Mail me at mdaugelli94@live.com |
2013 | ||||||||||||||||
please contact person direct by Email or Phone if available |
609-699-6280 |